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Thread: if people can not enjoy your story IN THE GAME, their not going to enjoy your story..

  1. #1

    Exclamation if people can not enjoy your story IN THE GAME, their not going to enjoy your story.. ALL!

    lol, supprised they have this section, or is this for the book?

    if your talking about game story, guards spamming about who the hell they like and dont like IS NOT STORY; events that occur less then once a month (on the dead server) and crash tiny zones of the last hopeless people trying to get some character outve this world IS NOT STORY; web updates with news on a situation that has changed NOTHING IN THE GAME IS NOT STORY; a novel with a backlog is a GREAT idea and i really love and enjoy the book. this is a good extra treat but as far as AO, your game, rubika, this IS NOT STORY; downloadable pretty movies are nice, although most like me will never see them if your on dialup, again a good treat but as for the game, this IS NOT STORY; Uncle Pumpkin Head is your story, and if you cant do better then that you will NOT be getting my $$ in teh near future.

    Want some advice? INTEGRATE this 'story' you have INTO YOUR GD GAME!

    I N T E G R A T E


    ps, srry for all the caps ive said this over and over and over and feel i needed to shout or atleast make it bigger and clearer.

    -jaded agent
    112, rk2

  2. #2

    Question How would you go about integrating?


    I've been enjoying MY story, I really don't care if anyone else does.

    I found the basis for my character's backstory within the AO storyline, and I'm enjoying it. They can do whatever they like with their storyline, personally I feel an under-implemented story is better than no story at all. At least there is some sort of unifying element, instead of what it is like on Ultima Online.

    You have told us a lot about what you think isn't STORY ... do you have suggestions on how to I N T E G R A T E the STORY into the "GD GAME"? Or are you just ranting for the heck of it?

    You're on dialup? I'm sorry. If I never have to hear the modem handshake again, it'll be too soon.

    I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just tired of people ranting when they have no constructive suggestions to tag on AFTER their rants. Nothing personal.

  3. #3

    I don't know if you play on Rubi-Ka 2 or not Sllaagor, but what the original poster is talking about is the fact that there isn't a story there. If youplay on Rubi-Ka 1 then i'll bet you are enjoying your story. there is a completely different atmosphere on RK2, things are getting apathetic, and no one knows what to do. We have no story to fit in with, our backstories have nothing to become a part of in the AO universe.

    I have a suggestion for intigrating the storyline:


    "The future is in your hands."

    Former Leader - Sea of Change

  4. #4
    There more people on RK-1. It only makes sense that more events should happen there. Without knowing the exact server populations it is impossible to say whether RK-2 is getting events proportianate to it's population as compared with RK-1.

  5. #5

    constructive ideas

    no, im not just ranting for teh hell of it, here's some helpful hints for a successful story:

    -npc quests (not cookie cutter missions) that realate to backlog or current story situation (amnesity, etc). multi-part quests, not go here, find item, heres your 100cr. more like go here talk to someone about a dungeon, get a tip from them on how to get in, get 3 unique items from disclosed monsters from each corner of rubika, put them together to make a key to the dungeon, you can go on and on.

    -creativity, i read someone saying have a mob that says "you have to kill me with a crat in your team" or "you have to kill me with only pistols" etc etc, this is great creativity and FC has the setup to do that, (ill hold off on any negative comments about them in this post)

    -updates INgame, besides guards spamming one-liners, kinda like in AC where you could give an NPC some creds and itd tell you whats new in the world, town rumors, etc. this is a great way to subtly spread word of a new quest instead of reading it on a forum

    all of these are ways to INTEGRATE story and excitement into rubika and there are many more, ive posted on this before and just kinda blew up in this post because it feels like your screaming your thoughts into a pillow or something. seriously very frustrating....ideas like teh above 3, and more like them could enhance our play experience for those of us, with and without, a great imagination

  6. #6

    Smile Ah, I understand now ...


    I understand now ... I picked Rubi-Ka 1 because there are more people there. I have been considering starting a Rubi-Ka 2 char.

    Your suggestions are all great ones, hopefully someone picks up on them and makes them a reality.

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