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Thread: Recently started a Meta-Physicist

  1. #1

    Recently started a Meta-Physicist

    I've recently started an MP, but can find no information on how to build implants. My last few forays into the Subway has given me TONS of nanoclusters and empty implants all of around QL5-6.

    My char is only level 6, so this is perfect for me.

    I've tried every method in getting them together that I know of, but don't see any specific posts or information how to combine them.

    Here's what I've tried.. 2 whole things.

    Combine NC with Imp.

    Combine Imp with NC.

    Either way, it tells me the order was wrong. Do I need some sort of tradeskill item?

    -Geoff W.

  2. #2

    This should answer most of your questions.
    Btw Its very easy to put on implants with ql much higher than your level so you should try to put on as high a ql implants as you can manage (but this can be expensive for new characters). Remeber that the surgery clinic adds 100 to your treatment. Docs can give treatment buffs and if you buy a full set of omni med suit it adds about 78 to your treatment skill.

  3. #3
    At level 6 he can get into QL10's easy enough but I would wait until lvl 7 and get a decent belt on (3 slot) and throw in some NCU's and go get a essence (small) and presto QL15' implants are doable at that time.

    Treatment isnt something I would worry about until lvl 25ish. Just shout a request for a medsuit if your not omni by doing a few shouts in newland city by the missions. Someone will sell you a suit for 50K.

  4. #4
    That's all fine and dandy, but I'll be lucky to find implants I can afford before level 40+.

    I don't have a high level alt to drop money to my new characters. Wish I did.. Still can't find a class that interests me long enough to get enough levels to twink the hell out of my current characters.

    Granted, that requires I know how to twink, which I don't.


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