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Thread: Challenger line changes...

  1. #1

    Challenger line changes...

    Why don't you give back the weapon skill boosts. They didn't unbalance us at all, they were the perfect amount of weapon boost to get a weapon that won't be OE on. If you say stack a wrangle with it, consider that at the earlier levels that would mean an OE weapon. And get OE on and challenger to keep non OE? Thats a hassle. Also Challenger kept our weapons non OE while we were drained (at least sometimes if its not TOO bad :P). It saves the hassle of getting a wrangle letting to get a weapon on. But knowing funcom they won't even read this. EVERYONE BUMP DIS THREAD!

  2. #2
    I shall unwittingly give this thread a bump because I am going to go against your idea.
    The change to the challenger line of nano's was one of the best things that they ever did for Enforcer's.
    It made the nano useful and not just a "gimpers delight" line.
    Nobody ever used them except to get into really high QL weapons.
    Now Enforcers are forced to use exactly the same methods as other professions to get into higher QL weapons.
    Wrangles and profession specific nanos will boost your skills by quite a way.
    I say NO to changing challenger back and I add a second NO to the readdition of any low time really high boosts to weapon skills.

    Before you ask:

    Enforcer, Lvl153 RK1

  3. #3
    i think the change was great. yes you lost the ability to self equip some weapons(which was nice, have a lvl 89 enf) but now you don't have 2 min nano shutdown.
    and if the skill add was put back. you could get a wrangle on top of your challenger and get a seriusly higher ql weapon on. as your not that bothered with having to cast a challenger to not be OE.

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