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Thread: Why HATS over MA?!?!

  1. #1

    Why HATS over MA?!?!


    Could you please explain me why you gave us new items like hats, glasses and a new PvP dungeon and you did not FIX THE MA PROFFESSION? Im not saying that the new stuff isnt nice but fixing a proffession that you totally broke for PvP should be your prime priority. Why making a new PvP dungeon if 30% of the PvP players cant even fight in it because they are nerfed. They suck so bad now.. its almost sad.

  2. #2
    Im not saying that the new stuff isnt nice but fixing a proffession that you totally broke for PvP should be your prime priority.
    what about engineers?
    or solja?

    yeah you guys got screwed, but just think of the classes that have been waiting for help for a LONG time! (solja was gimped around what? 12.6? and still waiting for love).

    If you are going to scream about classes getting fixed at least add the ones that have needed it for a LONG time.


    I agree with the posts below ... add crat to the list... and NT to some extent, but they slowly add stuff for NT like they do for Enforcer, stealth love I call it. Crats, engi, and solja are the three worst proff's right now (excepting MA, but that is new, the rest of them have been waiting for love).

    enforcers never screamed for love, but we are getting it, I dont really think we should have been a priority, but they do a little at a time (maybe because we are not DEMANDING love) and it all adds up "like grains through the hourglass".

    Last edited by Yazule; Dec 15th, 2002 at 01:20:11.
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  3. #3
    Soldiers yes, but Engies, bwahaha.

  4. #4
    Engineers wouldnt fit into my 'combat oriented' professions.. don't get me wrong, so many other profs need love. Soldiers i can understand wanting some love also. Anywho.. MA sucks royally in pvp and they are totally designed for combat from the ground up. My MA is now retired until a further date... gonna have to work on a different character if i plan on having fun in PvP.
    Last edited by kthxbye; Dec 13th, 2002 at 23:15:31.

  5. #5

    Re: Why HATS over MA?!?!

    Originally posted by Insida

    Could you please explain me why you gave us new items like hats, glasses and a new PvP dungeon and you did not FIX THE MA PROFFESSION? Im not saying that the new stuff isnt nice but fixing a proffession that you totally broke for PvP should be your prime priority. Why making a new PvP dungeon if 30% of the PvP players cant even fight in it because they are nerfed. They suck so bad now.. its almost sad.
    I agree with Yazule, MA's had a good run as the most popular profession up until recently. Time to give the soldiers a "love patch".

    Disclaimer: I play niether a solder or a MA.
    Advisor of Rising Phoenix

    current setup

  6. #6
    Well you MAs have atleast been working and had some love in the past, we poor NTs havent had a single patch of love and over 60 nerfs (all are listed). Furthermore, we where suppoused to gte love between 14.6-14.8 SO far we have 2 NP buff, 4 nukes for lvl 185+ ppl, a GA nuke we never asked for, and um THATS IT, wow some love.

    Fix Nts, engis first, they need it far more then the other professions.

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Halestorm
    Well you MAs have atleast been working and had some love in the past, we poor NTs havent had a single patch of love and over 60 nerfs (all are listed). Furthermore, we where suppoused to gte love between 14.6-14.8 SO far we have 2 NP buff, 4 nukes for lvl 185+ ppl, a GA nuke we never asked for, and um THATS IT, wow some love.

    Fix Nts, engis first, they need it far more then the other professions.
    LOL!!! Nts have been given little bits of love over the past five patches. NT is an outstanding profession at high levels. Hell, even the engis' new specials blockers and new pet buffs (pet can now snare lol) are outstanding. Fix pet pathing and you got a deal for those guys. Their pets are now a semi-valid part of pvp when fully buffed. God knows I'd hate to be facing a fully buffed slayer, considering I'd have a massive snare on me and would be unable to escape.

    Oh and btw, an engi in slayer transference has a higher attack rating than a level 200 martial artist. FFoK + n00b ma buff + expertise = +172 to MA. Transference + expertise = 320. Trans. + expertise + n00b ma buff +ma mastery = hell of alot more MA than I'm going to get...

    The only thing they lack is uvc, which has been rendered less effective by the crit nerf. A smart engi I believe could easily kick the crap out of an equal MA. so when you say engis suck, you're saying MAs suck even more

    As for soldiers, what else do you want?

    But no more NT complaining please. You have a fun, powerful profession with more options than nearly any other class. Blinds, roots, attack rating debuffs, init debuffs, nanoskills debuffs, stuns, nukes, aoe nukes, layers, small hp buff, evades buff, the list really does go on (and yes I played a high lvl NT and had waaaay more fun pvping and kicked way more butt than with any other class). I think MPs are about the worst off, followed by engis and MAs.

    I put MP at the bottom of the list with MAs and engis these days because they have literally no real defensive skills. They have a heal pet that heals 4-800 every 9 seconds. They have a stun that last for 3-5 seconds and locks all nanoskills for 10 seconds (to put things in perspective, look at the NT's electrifying containment. It does decent damage, is fast, it stuns and only has a 3.5 second recharge). The heal pet can even be scared/calmed/rooted or charmed to make matters even worse.

    NTs' nukes only require MC skill, whereas MPs' require both PM and MC, which results in a lower nano attack rating. Nanoshutdown is not worth trying to cast. If it doesn't land, you're dead. Not even going into borked pet pathing, as it's already been said.

    Alot of classes would probably gladly trade their characters in for an NT. If I could keep my Notum Wars beta NT, you could keep the rest of my characters and I'd never once miss them.

    So, to sum it up in the order of the bottom four pvp classes, I'd have to say that it's a tie between MP, MA, Engi and Soldier. Each one of those classes can be good versus certain professions, but as a whole things need to be looked at seriously.
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  8. #8
    Adventurer's line of root resists are pathetic.. 15% against chaincasting teams is worthlesss. We need more like 50% minimum root resist.

  9. #9
    stop whining

    atleast your fists follow you into battle

    my bot is over there *points* humping a wall.

    fix pathing and Ill shut up

    but you're stupid problems are nothing compared to the "number one" issue being "worked on" at FC
    /tell Numeric

    --:o IS NOT .
    [Khaln]: it's teh small and soft
    [Khaln]: BUT
    [Khaln]: I need teh large and hard

  10. #10
    I hardly think the ones at FC resposible for putting hats in the game have anything at all to do with the guys working on profession balance.

    nevertheless, I'll post my own "wishlist" for fixes

    1) Lag in tower wars and the CC system (got warped to other side of PW today with no warning)

    2) Black doors in missions (yes they are still there )

    3) Make my MA work again in PvP

    4) Remove parry from mobs

  11. #11
    I think you guys are silly. There are 2 professions that have gotten no signigicant love from Funcom since release.

    1) Engineers
    2) Crats

    I think it's funny that so many professions want continual love when other professions such as the 2 above will drool over any scrap they get.

  12. #12
    Eat it. I like the hats.
    k- This message has been reviewed by intrusive goons searching for "evil-doers".

  13. #13
    the only thing you can be sure of in life (and in mmorpgs) is change.

    and btw, when i think of neglect, i think of NT, ENG, and CRAT

    they have been waiting for significant prof content since...what, release? 11.0? I give props to someone playing those profs, still putting up with the neglect, and watching other profs that need love maybe 1/10th as much as them b|tch about it on the boards.
    Hailieglade 200 Heavy Combat PoP Star - Proud member of Inner Circle - Omni born on June 18th 2002
    ...after you fix cams can we get a 250 lvl cap? or maybe a 5k token board? for some poetic justice...
    BR 15 CR 2 Sniper / Medic / Engineer - Markov

  14. #14
    Originally posted by TheDeacon/Xcelsius

    Oh and btw, an engi in slayer transference has a higher attack rating than a level 200 martial artist. FFoK + n00b ma buff + expertise = +172 to MA. Transference + expertise = 320. Trans. + expertise + n00b ma buff +ma mastery = hell of alot more MA than I'm going to get...

    But no more NT complaining please. You have a fun, powerful profession with more options than nearly any other class. Blinds, roots, attack rating debuffs, init debuffs, nanoskills debuffs, stuns, nukes, aoe nukes, layers, small hp buff, evades buff, the list really does go on (and yes I played a high lvl NT and had waaaay more fun pvping and kicked way more butt than with any other class). I think MPs are about the worst off, followed by engis and MAs.

    NTs' nukes only require MC skill, whereas MPs' require both PM and MC, which results in a lower nano attack rating. Nanoshutdown is not worth trying to cast. If it doesn't land, you're dead. Not even going into borked pet pathing, as it's already been said.

    Alot of classes would probably gladly trade their characters in for an NT. If I could keep my Notum Wars beta NT, you could keep the rest of my characters and I'd never once miss them.

    So, to sum it up in the order of the bottom four pvp classes, I'd have to say that it's a tie between MP, MA, Engi and Soldier. Each one of those classes can be good versus certain professions, but as a whole things need to be looked at seriously.
    First of all, MPs nukes might require 2 skills, BUT NTs are the only profession that cannot buff their own main damage skill by anything beyond the +20 general buff. Every single other class can buff their attack skill. And we have no attack rating for our nukes. When I was a pure nuker, my attack reating was at 0 since I only used nukes. And our nukes are uncastable once debuffed, they dont go oe, they compleately stop working.

    Secondly ok so some NTs start to get good at really high levels, what about the rest of us? Are we suppoused to be semi functioning for 3/4 of our lives, just to become somewhat good later on.

    You said: "Blinds, roots, attack rating debuffs, init debuffs, nanoskills debuffs, stuns, nukes, aoe nukes, layers, small hp buff, evades buff, the list really does go on"

    Well we dont have a init debuff, except our startup nuke that does 14 points of damage and -6 to init lol, our HP buff is so laughable noone uses it. 40+ NCU for 200 HP, and our blinds are our attack rating debuffs, and the evades buff is pretty useless later on. +80 to evades arent that good. Usually ppl laug at me if I ask if they want it and think Im a idiot for trying to waste their NCU, so no the list doesnt go on, its actually shorter then you think...

    The only thing that we have that no other class has are our Area nukes, and for theese we get whined at 24/7 and its really only the later ones like VE and Kels that are really good. And just because theese work semi good in mass PvP DOESNT MEAN THAT WE ARE A FUNCTIONING CLASS IN THE REST OF THE GAME! so whopiiii we work somehwat good in higherlvls in mass PvP, that ½% of the game...

  15. #15
    I think they should fix MA:s but Engis Crats NTs needs help to.

    yes NTs are good if u have all the uber nanos and items.. but lets c how many NTs have Rensonace blast NS II and stuff like that.

    FC did som nice things for us, Kels nuke is not rare now and thats nice becous its realy good for mass pvp (and NW is mass pvp)

    the thing is that FC have promisst us a sheet load of nice things that should allready be in the game. they told us we would gett a MC protektion buff and a item that would fix nukes (so you could be a nuke only NT whitout being a gimp). and they told us they would fix som nanos for us that wher semi broken (like enframs that take way to much NCU and it dosent add enfu HP/AC to demand that much NCU)

    they told us that we wher the nr:1 proffesion to fix, so they fixt Enfs and fixers (thats ok, im happey for every profession fix in the game)

    so yes they should fix MAs and every profession that needs help, but they should fix the profession that is screaming highest becous they wher nerft in the last patch. becous som of the profession have ben gimpt for almost a year now
    w00p w00p!!

  16. #16
    LOL @ all the whining that goes on
    215 Solitus Soldier RK1
    Advisor Midnight Reveries.

    Do politics exist? Yes.
    Who's involved in them? Anyone who wants to be.

    If you spend your time worrying about what everyone else is doing in their lives, you'll miss what's happening in yours.

  17. #17
    Some other proffession needs some tweaking, yes. Pet pathing should be the highest priority, it would fix 3 pet classes at the same time. But I dont think FC would ever ever fix pet pathing.

    Other than that, MPs really need help, a whole high lvl game is missing! The new pet AR buffs are ok, but they have the place of animas with a lot higher reqs and lvl restrictions, so made them totally useless. We even don't have self snare and root reducers, just got them for pets.

    NTs are powerful in high lvls, even without anti-ga nukes. Maybe need some love in lower lvls. Most Nts are complaining from lack of hp in lower lvls, its not a profession thing, dont choose a nano breed than, reroll a trox or even a solitus and see the change.

    I cant believe people are still saying soldiers, they already got their new nanos and getting new weapons since several patches.

  18. #18
    It would be sweet if they fix pet pathing, but they'd have to fix mob pathing, too.

    I bet a lot of people think that would suck, when they can't get a pack of mobs stuck on a corner and snare them while blitzing, or when they're getting hammered in a mission and the only thing that saves them is the mob decides to hump a wall for a few minutes.

  19. #19
    My MA has a straw hat now.

    Very cool. And still whups up PvM like nobody's business, so it's all good.

  20. #20
    not askin to be flamed but.. soldiers got some love in the way of those boosted and augmented hellspinners and a few nanos (yes i'm aware some of them have obscene recs)

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