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Thread: A Return of many

  1. #1

    A Return of many

    This is something I am writing to explain a dark era of my life a few months away from AO to be exact
    Becase I couldnt pay the monthly fee a few months I don´t see why my characters would just go into hybernation that time and well I needed to figure out what actually kept them away from Rubi-ka the last months.
    And this is the result getting posted in the next few days to be read by anyone hwo wish and especially to old friends in AO so you know Areania and Kelei didn´t dissolve into thin air. It´ll also be a glimpse into hwo Areania and Kelei are for a few new friends out there to read. I might also give away a few hints later on to resent twists and turns of their lives.
    And I actually felt I shouldn´t post on the boards untill I started this thread so I´ll gues I´ll start flame away at this board with clear consience now.
    -You must be the change you wish to see-
    (Omni-Mining) Izola Caldon (Areania) Gear 220-Agent
    (Omni-Mining) Sol Caldon (Kelei) Gear 140-Fixer
    (Omni-Pol) Joe Rtonzo (rtonzo) Gear 150-Shade
    (Omni-Mining) Iivanov Clark (Iivanov) Gear 200-Soldier
    (Omni-Mining) Tamena (Tamena) Gear 85-Trader
    Omni-Mining | Omni-Mining Propaganda | Omni-Pol
    Atlantean RP gimp since dec 2001

  2. #2

    The Voyage part1

    June 29476
    Izola sat infront of her assigned Gridterminal in her assigned cabin onway to the assigned mission.
    Cold, slick corporate style surroundings. The journey was in an old Xylem Class shuttle. It had some cryotubes for hibernated sleeperiods though usefull still it felt like unusually old technology standard. A short offworld mission they had said. Oh yea this´ll take several months, Izola shook her head in dispair, why couldn´t they just have used that slick DNA reconstruction tech that was used when she came to Rubi-Ka. But well you don´t question Omni-InternOps she knew all to well that whatever the reason there surely was a reason, that did scare her a bit.
    She shouldn´t have been obducted like that leaving all her timeconsuming departmentwork to her already overworked dept. head Devora and the other generals, The OSID would surely fall now. This should be a burden in her mind for the rest of her life she knew that. The Omni-Tek Special Interest Division was something new, It had realistic goals and they had already proven themself in battle aswell as in investigation.
    She was really proud of the work that lead to the recovery of Derva Meloches nice Pattie Meloche in march. Though the problems she had been forced to struggle where great for one they just resently saved obducted leader Devora.
    What was to come of her old beloved Division she did not know.

    She had ordered her luggage to be brought to her and was checking it, this cabin would be her home a while now, time to get moved in. The door opened and the grunt she had ordered to fetch her luggaged stepped in. Izola sighed as the grunt carelessly piled more crates in a tower next to the door, there really was nothing to do now but except the faith of theese next few months. As the grunt stumbled out of her cabin in his tank armour Areania proceded to unpack her gear, Areania that was what her friends called her it had also been her callsign since the academy.
    She sighed.
    That shiny barrel slick futuristic design and hard punching, how it had served her it was with sheer joy she looked upon her Collins IX BIo energy rifle. Nothing she ever encountered had brought her such feelings, she felt complete. There was lots of good rifles out there she herself had her own collection of officially illegal weapons that still where part of any good InternOps officers personal equipment. But still the Collins where special to her, she´d even seen schematics and prototypes of a new rifle the X-3 it was most likely to become every agents tool. They just didn´t understood It was not the tool that made the agent it was your knowledge wits and how you used your assets, she smiled, the Collins would never fail her in battle whatever happened she knew that, although it was hated by many. As she sorted her gear and equipment onto their shelves and into lockers a feeling kept nagging at her, something wasn´t right.

    It is everywhere surrounds us and can be ones ally, those chills you get when your senses speak of danger, this is one of the most importent tools of an agent.
    Areania spent almost the whole shift on going through her scans of the ship and the last intel Kelei uploaded to her NCU before she discovered the nanoprogram cast on her crew including herself. Also it seemed like all of the twenty solitus crewmembers and herself had been injected with some sort of custom stim to hinder the NCU´s from reporting the nanoprogram. This was a softhack of the NCU´s she knew that, it was easily discovered with use of the correct scans but just as easily overlooked, It was then, the alarms whent of and as the high pitch sound whent trough her ears the hud reported.
    *Collision Flight vector entered*
    Estimated time until impact 00:01:53
    *System Authorizing codes changed*
    *Terminating data feed*
    -You must be the change you wish to see-
    (Omni-Mining) Izola Caldon (Areania) Gear 220-Agent
    (Omni-Mining) Sol Caldon (Kelei) Gear 140-Fixer
    (Omni-Pol) Joe Rtonzo (rtonzo) Gear 150-Shade
    (Omni-Mining) Iivanov Clark (Iivanov) Gear 200-Soldier
    (Omni-Mining) Tamena (Tamena) Gear 85-Trader
    Omni-Mining | Omni-Mining Propaganda | Omni-Pol
    Atlantean RP gimp since dec 2001

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