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Thread: Modifying how NW works with Towers.

  1. #1

    Modifying how NW works with Towers.

    Heres an idea me and my friends been discussing. It basically works that you guys (Fc) add a additional rank system ontop of our ranksystem as we have no in the guilds which allows presidents and maybe lower ranks to put out "flags" on who they think should be able to help with Placing CTs etc.

    This means that if a guild have a high lvl char that is only a member they dont have to promote him to a higher rank just so they can help placing cts w/o a big hassle as it is today..

    I myself would love for a system like this to be implemented cos atm.. it sucks imho..

    That was my 5 Cents *Steps down*


    Ps. feel free to comment add ideas improvements etc. Maybe FC will actually listen (lol?)
    Equipment - Eq

  2. #2

    Mappa.....proudER member of RDP

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Sounds like a good idea to me

    And lol at Tool

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