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Thread: bye-bye everyone!

  1. #1

    bye-bye everyone!

    Going on a three week long vacation on the good 'morrow!
    Gonna miss ya all!

    I baked this scrumptuous cake for you all to feast on.
    *picks up cake and chucks it at everyone*


  2. #2
    mmmmmmmmm..... cake...
    Operation impending doom 2 seems to have started with patch 15.6.5
    12.6 first contact, 14.6 second attempt, 16.6 Invasion of the gabber bots ?
    Old and bitter player, currently playing: Justincase GA4 wearing phix0r
    Originally posted by Cz
    I already saw this thread, but refrained from answering due to the pleasant show of confidence from Lumin.
    Sing a song for FunCom

  3. #3
    mmm your cakes ARE pretty scrumptious if I do say so myself....
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  4. #4
    Leaving for the airport now!

    See ya!

    btw glad you enjoyed the cakes; too bad they are poisoned =/

    You'll be turning into little monkeys anytime now

  5. #5
    she's fun, ain't she? reminds me of most of my exes
    In lieu of a better signature, this'll have to do

  6. #6
    /Me starts to scratch side and begins dreaming of bananas

  7. #7
    /me wonders why his butt is turning red....

  8. #8
    you don't need pants for the victory dance b/c baboon is better than weasel!

    btw i shall return on the 7th of jan.

    If ya see me ingame its my friend playing my account while i'm gone. i occasionaly log onto the chat client though, si if you recieve a totally insane tell it may in fact be me
    Last edited by Lolamonster; Dec 17th, 2002 at 01:16:19.

  9. #9
    I dont have to wear pants? what are pants? Im confused... I dont think I have ever worn those before... only my huge tighty whities.... god im sexy in those... wouldnt want to ever cover those up

  10. #10
    i'm going on the second leg of my trip tomorrow night!

    I won't have access to a computer until next year, so see ya all around!

  11. #11
    /me misses the party animal already

  12. #12
    I'm goin on vacation to South East Asia on the 31st so I'm gonna be gone too

    NOT winter there, the best part!!!!!!

    Gawd I hate the cold... my skinny arse don't retian body heat to well ya know.

    Garishna Dual pistol slinging adventurer without a clue.

  13. #13
    the last leg of my vacation was canceled due to icky-poo weather

    consequently, i am now home for a week until school starts in a week.

    although, i will be doing some rl during that time, i will have access to a computer.


    consequently, i will be able to chase you fellas around with pointy objects, from time to time



  14. #14
    Hmm...never mind the pointy objects - got any more cake?

    Sorry to hear your vacation was haulted
    Take care
    Jharick "Jhanarr" Naarr
    Long since left AO :: Catch me on the forums!

    Muffins are for sharing, so be cool - buy me a muffin, today!

    My Five GUI Skins:::download them now!

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