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Thread: Nerf Roots!

  1. #1

    Nerf Roots!

    how the ********* we suposed to fight root profs? takes forever to break the god damn thing!!! geeeeeeeez.... when i finnaly got done with using 1k Free movments... they just cast another on me!! God bloddy damn! NERF ROOTS! or give us something better to break em with! case this sucks!!


    [220/22/01] Desperad0 - Enforcer
    [220/20/59] Minidesp - Agent

  2. #2


    /me smells the anger of someone that just got owned.

    - Cyrus Cyblade7 Crown
    - General of Redemption

  3. #3
    Lol, a raging enforcer has a hell of a lot less to worry about then the other melee professions.

  4. #4
    Let me get this straight , And enf moaning about not being able to Break Roots , either u were debuffed or u dont know much about ur prof buffs . If u were not debuffed and are moaning about roots then HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA HHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    If you look closely at the letters you can see a Bird

  6. #6
    Oh for God's sake, let's face facts, professions such as MA's and Melee Adv are stuffed now when it comes to roots. Even with the Adv root resist lines which are pretty much useless and the stims. The problem with the stims is that it takes a few to break the root and as we all know as soon as it's broken the caster will just root us again. Now you tell me that that's right. Roots before could be broken by general debuffs and even so the rooter still had an advantage, the current state is just pathetic. I don't mind roots, rooting classes need a certain edge as they can't stand toe to toe and slug it out for the majority but to be rooted indefinately and be unable to fight back is plain daft.


  7. #7

    Talking lol suckers.

    Or maybe you just need to come up with different tactics then "Hit Q hit B go get a coffee" ? Stop the wining allready.
    Despite everything in the end I was a Fixer and I can say it was hell of a ride.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Flood1
    Oh for God's sake, let's face facts, professions such as MA's and Melee Adv are stuffed now when it comes to roots. Even with the Adv root resist lines which are pretty much useless and the stims.

    I'd have to agree, but i dont care anymore, here for the guild only at this point. PvP titles are based on mass pvp, thats just something that is too hard to do as melee and what kind of player would I be not leading my guild into battle or defending our own towers?

    Gonna just go w/ the flow.
    Experienced Patk9
    Level 220 Clan Advent
    Patk8 206 Trader
    Rubi-ka's 1st Adventurer Neophyte and Experienced

  9. #9
    Marlamin, was that a reasonable comment to all us MA's and melee Adv who have genuine cause for concern? Tactics have nothing to do with being unable to land a hit. Enforcers do have Rage and can break roots but other classes are not so fortunate. But hey, Patk9's right, FC know this and seemingly don't care so we are resigned to it.
    Last edited by Flood1; Dec 12th, 2002 at 03:20:49.


  10. #10
    Originally posted by Eddygoro
    If you look closely at the letters you can see a Bird
    Cerber - MA Bruiser

    Baboone - Portable Deathstar

    Dukatus - Choppah

  11. #11
    LOL gotta say, my rage dont break the high ql roots a full deprived/ransaked enf cant even cast his rage... then i have to use the gimpy freemovment... (and making this thread is so fun love too se ppl make fun of me ) kinda like a event tjohhh

    [220/22/01] Desperad0 - Enforcer
    [220/20/59] Minidesp - Agent

  12. #12
    advs and ma's are screwed, were supposed to be making these posts, not enfs
    // wildwal - the sexiest adv evar - now with nr!
    // legion

  13. #13
    Well, adv's and ma's are not the only ones screwed here, even ranged proffs are screwed with roots cause of the LOS hell.
    PREDICAMENT|220:26| SENZOR|220:17| TWERRAX|218:11|

  14. #14
    try breaking a root with -410 in skill... ur rage cant be casted... and using debuff doesent work, Free movments suck! takes for ever.. and a high lvl NT got me sticked to the ground for a long time! and cant break em what so ever... atleest not atm

    [220/22/01] Desperad0 - Enforcer
    [220/20/59] Minidesp - Agent

  15. #15
    You could work on the NR part I hear 1500 for enforcers, and my maxed 600 don't seem much then

    Roots and snares... Hate them with passion... But the solution is not to nerf them, the solution is to give the toons most voulnerable to them something to resist them 9/10 not 1/10. Its all in the lucky once vs lucky everytime game thing. Just hope FC catches up to that phrase as they did with the rock/scissor/paper thing

  16. #16
    just for eddygoros information desperad0 is probabaly one of the best enfs there is.

    oh and yeah roots are a little unfair, prehaps if you just woke up when you got shot while rooted itd be a little better, or prehaps make it so that once a root is cast on you the enemy must wait 5 mins to do it again.
    Witeboog - Soldier RK2
    First to Pandemonium on RK2
    First into IS on RK2
    First into TOTW on RK2 First to 220 on RK2
    First to form an org on RK2 First to 200 on RK2
    First soldier with ql 200 Spasmodic Assault Rifle
    First omni on RK2 First post on forums
    First Grand Master on RK2
    First to PvP on RK2
    First to solo The Beast on RK2

  17. #17
    lol man, my twinky lvl 50 fixer has his roots resisted ALL THE TIME! constantly in fact, I'd say the roots have a 50% success ratio with him. This is during attacks on a specific OT tower base, against random joe blo omni's who're probably not even active pvp'ers.

    Roots are fine as is .
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  18. #18
    yes roots are fine as is. it's not like you can shoot for 6k hp without it breaking. ooooops you can. well guess i was wrong then.

    make roots break on first shot/nuke. then the rooter has to work for his free kill atleast.

  19. #19

    people pls

    any1 who thinks roots are fine the way they are obviously has problems that reach far deeper than this issue
    when people like Patk9 and Wal tell u theres a problem, theres a problem.
    I was feared in PvP by all but L200 soldiers prior to 14.6, and im not saying that i want to be that uber again, but now i dont PvP AT ALL. Its just not possible for the the melee adven/MAs. Go play 1 to L200 and then come back here and post if u disagree

  20. #20


    that post was rather bitter and unproductive, so i thought id flesh it out for u some more

    1) funcom's stance on this is that roots are now balanced because u have to use a high ql root to land effectively; higher ql roots cost more nano to cast so (according to funcom) this will eliminate chain casting. But in reality, if a rooter has 5k nanopool and his highest root costs, lets be generous and say 1k nano to cast, he can cast 5 roots b4 even having to use a nano stim. Since a rooted melee foe cannot harm u in any way so long as u r out of his range (a simple task), the rooter doesnt really even need to cast any other nanos and so can use his entire pool to root u if necessary and still win the fight easily.

    2) the new free movement stims are a joke. Against rooter MOBs it takes 5 or 6 of them to break a root, and they can only be used 1ce every 5 seconds. That's 30 seconds to break a friggin root - by then the fight is over. In PvP fights are even shorter; if im rooted for even 20 seconds im dead. I 1ce got rooted by a trader after alphing the crap outta him. he had less than 500 health left. After he landed the root he ran out of range and healed himself all the way to full by the time the root finally broke. His first aid recycled twice in that time!

    3) i dont think i even need to go into the new adven root resistor nanos - they are more of an insult than a joke, really.

    4) Look, no1 wants to get owned in PvP, obviously. But i think most of us would agree that losing the good fight is sometimes even more fun than winning the bad 1. Getting rooted in the first 5 seconds of a fight and staying that way till ur dead 30 seconds later without ever landing a hit is NO FUN AT ALL.

    5) I have nearly 800 NR (alot for an adven) and i fight on full def. at best i resist 2 roots b4 my opponent nails me to the floor, and thats like 5 seconds later. Its just silly. Theres no strategy involved at all and if ur a rooter and feel u need this type of win-win situation then u should probably be playing some type of 1 player game in god mode.
    Last edited by Bartleby; Dec 13th, 2002 at 18:12:06.

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