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Thread: hella bored... hellahella bored...

  1. #1

    hella bored... hellahella bored...

    hellahellahella bored... hellahellahellahellabored... hellahellahellahellahella bored... hellahellahellahellahellahella bored... hellahellahellahellahellahellahella bored... hellahellahellahellahellahellahellahella bored... hellahellahellahellahellahellahellahellahella bored... hellahellahellahellahellahellahellahellahellahella bored... hellahellahellahellahellahellahellahellahellahella hella bored... hellahellahellahellahellahellahellahellahellahella hellahella bored... hellahellahellahellahellahellahellahellahellahella hellahellahella bored.
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  2. #2
    Read the boards.
    Go in IRC and watch everyone beat their chests about how elite they are.
    Read the boards some more.
    Surf for some porn.
    Get a snack.
    Search for some mp3s.
    Read fark.
    Read slashdot and paste referenced URLs in IRC as if you found them yourself.
    Find some more porn.
    Figure out what time it is in GMT so you know when servers are up.
    Check for newest versions of Dovve and Clicksaver. Well not Dovve anymore cause Dovve left AO.
    Read hackerquest boards to see if any new bots are out.
    Check on SWG see if any hint on how long before release.
    Dust off Red Alert 2 and laugh at the acting.

  3. #3
    Originally posted by Ratty
    Read slashdot and paste referenced URLs in IRC as if you found them yourself.
    Lol, are you trolling Ratty?

    (3rd article down currently is about Project Entropia, (Free Scandinavian SF MMORPG with the novel twist that you can convert real world money to and from game economy money - lets hope nobody discovers the credit dupe too early )).

  4. #4
    DOH! Didn't see that, just commenting on a common thing some people do, wasnt even implying people here do it.

    Oh and that game deserves its own thread, start one on another forum, cool topic.
    Last edited by Ratty; Dec 11th, 2002 at 14:53:42.

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