Here are my thoughts on the subject... Feel free to look for exploits, suggest other ideas etc.

Land Control & Towers

Land control areas should have 3 states, invulnerable, vulnerable to other faction, vulnerable to other organisation. Gas should always be at 100% under normal circumstances.

When a tower is in one of the vulnerable states, the use of a shield disabler will initiate an attack. The shield diabler will work by probing and analysing the shield looking for weaknesses, then once a weakness is found, disable the shield.

In game terms, when the disabler is used, a 'shields being probed' message should go out to the owning org. and its allies. The attacker then has to stand still for 2 minutes whilst the shield disabler analyses the shield, at the end of that time a 'shield disabled' message would be sent and the gas would go to 25% or 5% depending on which vulnerable state the area was in at the time.if the attacker moved or was otherwise interrupted (ie killed) in this time, the process would need to be restarted and a message saying 'Shield re-established' would be sent out.

Tower vulnerable windows should be 4 hours vulnerable to other facton and 1 hour vulnerable to other org (ie a 5 hour window, 6 hours is really too long).

Disabled shields would remain disabled (and as at the lowered level) until the end of the vulnerable time or 10 minutes have passed with no tower in the area being attacked (a message saying 'Shield re-established' would be sent out).


Formal alliances can only be set up by org leaders. They would meet up, agree to the alliance, and one of them would then target the other and type '/org alliance', this would bring up a yes/no dialog on the targeted leader's screen where they would (presumably) accept the alliance. Formal alliances would be listed in and orgs '/org info' text. Using '/org allaince <org name>' would end an alliance (after a confirmation dialog) and send a message to the other orgs guild chat to that efect.

Temporary alliances (for individual players) would be created by targetting another player and typing '/ally' - they'd get a confirmaton box and if the press yes, would be considered an ally of the issuer's org for 1 hour. Note, being in a team is not the same as being an ally, and whilst you can't attack teammates, unallied teammates will count as attackers and be treated as such...

The effects of an alliance (formal or temporary) would be to make allied players count as defender's in each others land control areas. this would mean such players are affected by tower area effect buffs/debuffs as if in the controlling org and are not attacked by the towers.

A formal alliance allows for more, specifically allied orgs get each other's tower messages, and can use each other's controllers for gridding. They do not get each others org bonuses...

Formal alliances should be limited in number (maybe maximum of 3 per org), and an ally of an ally is not automatically also an ally... Could lead to some ineresting politics if org A attacks org B, both of whom are allies of org C...


PvP range is defined as now. You may not attack a player or tower outwith your PvP range (note that towers suffer no such restrictons). This is always done on a per player basis. Whilst PvP flagged as a result of entering a contested land control area (ie gas at 25% or 5%), you may not cast nanos on players outwith your PvP range, nor may a player cast nanos on you if they are outwith your PvP range.

On entering a contested land control area, you will be PvP flagged, but this does not happen immediately. If you enter without zoning, there is a 15 second grace period as normal. If you enter by zoning (typically by using the grid to controller function), you are not PvP flagged until you move or 2 minutes have passed.

Once PvP flagged as a result of entering a contested land control area, you remain PvP flagged for 15 minutes.

Crowd Control

A touchy subject this, but with formal and temporary alliances, should be more workable. I'll leave it for another thread...