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Thread: Grid Armor Yalm Paintjobs

  1. #1

    Grid Armor Yalm Paintjobs

    Yeah the red and gold and all that other stuff is nifty and all, but why not actually make it worth dropping the cash on and have it add all off 3000 or something, It doesn't have to be ugly like grid armor though, perhaps a new texture for the old yalms with a color scheme and not just a chrome tint.

    Stats would be like
    add runspeed 300
    add all off 3000
    can't be rooted

    This would make screen capping events like tower fights and stuff easy for yalm owners, but like GA they could be nuked out of sky or alphaed or something if there being to nosey.

  2. #2
    how would an extra 3000 attack rating (off=offense) help you if you cant shoot?

  3. #3
    Originally posted by Jerra / Eigo
    how would an extra 3000 attack rating (off=offense) help you if you cant shoot?
    No clue but it sounds like a good idea and will be implemented in short order :P

  4. #4
    Seeing as how it's supposed to be a GA yalm (snicker), Ithink that's supposed to be defense.

    Anyway..I could just se it..the paint required for this would be a 1:1000000000 chance drop off Ian Warr or something.
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