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Thread: Good Trenchcoats

  1. #1

    Question Good Trenchcoats

    Do good Coats/Trenchcoats appear as mission rewards?(+AC coats) if so is it after a certain level?

  2. #2
    Decus coats start to appear as mission objectives and rewards somewhere around QL 30. Once you start seeing Decus armor as rewards, there is a small chance of getting a mission with a coat as a reward or objective. Teritus Decus (orange with lighter orange trim) start to appear QL 30, although become more common around QL 50 or so. Secondus Decus (back, with red trim) aren't seen anywhere less than QL 50. Primus Decus (dark blue with light-blue trim) is apparently not seen until a level higher than I currently am. I can't really tell you when they start appearing.

    The odds of getting one improve if you do missions that has you finding an item. So far, I've seen one coat as a reward from missions, and three others as the object to find.

  3. #3

    Nanocloaks might count too

    They appear starting about level 80... Also, I've never seen a primus under 100 so I suspect thats the cutoff.

  4. #4


    Tertius coats start at lvl 25 (might be lower, i heard someone found a ql 15 once)
    Secundus coats start at lvl 50
    Primus coats start at 75
    Fleh the man-eating lvl 171 sabretooth...oh no wait, that would be PvP wouldn't it...nm then

  5. #5
    Heh, I have a character that has a QL1 Tertius Decus Armor (I think that's how it's worded).
    Too bad it's social armor.
    Animacion 160 Opi Enforcer equipment
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