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Thread: Missing Nanos from generic nano booths!

  1. #1

    Missing Nanos from generic nano booths!

    Is there such a thing as a Dimach Expertise?

    If there is, where is it? because it does not appear in the inventory of the vending booths for this nano.

    I have failed to locate it at several stores, including Advanced/Superior.

    If there is no Dimach Expertise, why not? There is a Brawl Expertise!


  2. #2
    Dimach Expertise does not exist in the database. Sorry. =(


  3. #3
    So has it ever existed?

    I might be a bit dense, but there are two defuff nanos for Dimach, so why not have the other two for buffing Dimach?

    It just does not make any sense!

  4. #4
    CZ or any of the other FC bods reading this want to make a comment on this please?

    Just to put me at ease!


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