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Thread: Can We also get some Phat Loot plz!!!

  1. #1

    Can We also get some Phat Loot plz!!!

    list goes on and on and new items being patched again and again

    and whos getting it all??


    sure all other proffesions got some goodies but nowhere NEAR the ammount the MAs has...

    Not that all of it is MA only but its sure as hell built in regard of an MA.

    Dragon armor, Eye of Daria, Aura Magnifier,

    All i ever found that was Trader only is the ****ty Barter armor that like NOONE uses...and a lame figurine!!

    Why Thank you soooo much FC! for NOTHING
    220/26 and an army of alts
    so much to do, so little time to do it

  2. #2
    yeah, it suxxor...:/

    I hope that all other professions gets some stuff for them as well...

    BTW, by looking at your nickname i would figure out that you play RIFT RGP... Am i correct?


    RIFT Roxxor.
    Prepare for Battle!!!I... I see.... Aliens....
    Mrevil By Mr. Fli
    Mrevil My stuff
    And a few other alts...
    People dont kill peoples in Rubi-ka, Lag does!

  3. #3
    Correct :
    220/26 and an army of alts
    so much to do, so little time to do it

  4. #4


    I cant believe what Im reading! Someone whining that there isnt trader only items except the barter?!

    Those "proffession only" items are something to make the proffession stronger, and I read your 'signature' about funcom making each proffession bad.

    I may be wrong, but I assume you are trader. In that case, you can go and burn. How the **** can a trader, the most powerful proffession in the whole damn GAME, come and COMPLAIN cause they dont get alot of traders only item???

    "BOOHOO poor us"? Yeah poor you.
    Freshman Che "Elnertz" Guevara.
    Atrox Soldier - 203th lvl.

    Noone in this game has more bad luck than me.

  5. #5
    I'm happy for the MA, that they have something, ask to nerf other professions is ridiculous.

    Personaly, as a trader, I would be much more interested in being able to build something usefull, or at least I can sell, minimum what it cost me to build.

    Having profession specific item is fun, but honestly I don't care.

    But, on this : can a trader, the most powerful proffession in the whole damn GAME

    I need an explanation for that, because I realy don't see any power in that profession.

    What make you think Traders are soooo powerfull?? please tell me, because as a Trader, i really don't see that

  6. #6
    Traders are powerful in PvP, I have no clue how they work in PvM.

    I think he meant how they were in PvP.
    Lovio - 140+ MA of the Mercury Dragons
    Maiu - Gamma Ejector wielding trader maniac - also loves to tradeskill and doesn't eat babies.

  7. #7
    Do a dmgdumper in PvM and you will mostly see trader dominating damage, even over MAs sometime.

    If they are strong PvM profession, great for them.
    Yes, they are seriously overpowered in PvP, and here someone playing a trader starts whining cause there isnt enough trader only objects out there.

    You should be glad of what you got instead. Ill be happy to give you a tradeskill trader-only item and rip your of your drains. Happy now?

    Freshman Che "Elnertz" Guevara.
    Atrox Soldier - 203th lvl.

    Noone in this game has more bad luck than me.

  8. #8
    Oh my, someone has hurt Elntertz ego (Read: AR).
    Want me to hold your hand?
    Cudus :: eqp

    PvP....It's not just a job, it's an adventure!

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Lovio
    Traders are powerful in PvP, I have no clue how they work in PvM.

    I think he meant how they were in PvP.
    What make them powerfull in PvP?

    I just wanna know.

    And another thing, I really don't care aout PvP.

    And for the trader only items, for me it is obvious that the buff they give is on tradeskill, and by that, make them quite useless, just like the tradeskills. So what is the problem having more Trader items?

  10. #10
    aske all the NTs what they think about uber rare class items (and nukes).. it sux, every NT in the game should have a NS mk1 or MK2 every lvl 185 NT in the Game should have a Coruption of the pest.
    we dont even know if the Jobe cloak is in the game and even the NP buff is rare like hell..

    i dont think that every thing should be easy to gett but som items that make the proffesion good and fun to play should not be rare. i have NS mk 2 and the pest nuke, a RL mate gave me NS mk 2 (its only luck that gave him a NS mk 2 no skills or nothing) and i campt The pest whit Storm to gett the Nuke

    yes Ph4t l00t items are fun but its not fun when every new item your profession getts is rare like hell and is considerd Ph4t.
    w00p w00p!!

  11. #11
    I can answer the question of what makes a trader uber in pvp! memememe! *raises hand*

    The power to gimp them all!
    debuff debuff de..zzzzzzz

  12. #12
    Drains are what make Traders powerful in PvP.

    Prior to patch 14.2, getting drained was just a nuisance. Your AMS dropped and you couldn't cast some of your nanos, but that was about it. A real pain for casting classes, but little more than an inconvenience to everyone else.

    Post 14.2, with the change to the overequipping rules, getting drained meant that not only did your AMS fall, your base damage output would be crippled as well. Traders went from being dangerous to casting classes to being dangerous to everyone.

    As for tradeskill items, Traders already rule the roost in tradeskills if they care to spend the IP. Their skill base is as good as an Engineers and they get tradeskill buffs to boot. However, a lot of Traders are actually set up for PvP and haven't put the IP into tradeskills that would let them excel. Looking at Prozek's other posts I think he's after something that would let him excel at tradeskills and still let him maintain his combat focus at the same time.



  13. #13
    See the problem is not the deprive, it's the OE, and it's defenitively not the deprive that should be nerfed.

    And BTW deprive doesn't deprive the mobs AT ALL.

  14. #14
    Who said anything about nerfing drains? I thought this was a discussion about 7r4d3r-0n|y ph4t l007...



  15. #15
    Originally posted by Soyuz
    Who said anything about nerfing drains? I thought this was a discussion about 7r4d3r-0n|y ph4t l007...


    Originally posted by Elnertz
    Do a dmgdumper in PvM and you will mostly see trader dominating damage, even over MAs sometime.

    If they are strong PvM profession, great for them.
    Yes, they are seriously overpowered in PvP, and here someone playing a trader starts whining cause there isnt enough trader only objects out there.

    You should be glad of what you got instead. Ill be happy to give you a tradeskill trader-only item and rip your of your drains. Happy now?
    So what the hell having more profession related item for traders have anything to do with them beeing "powerfull in PvP"???

    I think it's as much as related as "MA having more then others".

    Just realy nothing to do with it.

    My point is, I don't care PvP, I don't care what other professions have, but I care having items that make my profession more specific and more different than others, and more usefull.

    And for the PvP, I think Traders looks more powerfull in PvP because the % of traders interested in PvP(I mean calculated characters to make skills making then best PvP ever) is more important than in other professions. And nothing to do with what they can do.
    Last edited by McKinlay; Dec 6th, 2002 at 17:31:02.

  16. #16

    Re: lol

    Originally posted by Elnertz
    I cant believe what Im reading! Someone whining that there isnt trader only items except the barter?!

    Those "proffession only" items are something to make the proffession stronger, and I read your 'signature' about funcom making each proffession bad.

    I may be wrong, but I assume you are trader. In that case, you can go and burn. How the **** can a trader, the most powerful proffession in the whole damn GAME, come and COMPLAIN cause they dont get alot of traders only item???

    "BOOHOO poor us"? Yeah poor you.
    Elnerz were not only talking pvp here,. Besides tried being a trader againts super mobs that wount let you drain??? didnt think so! since we have NO other buffs to up our AR we suck bigtime! and with everyone screaming NERF DRAINS were soon gonna be a memory. hence!!!
    220/26 and an army of alts
    so much to do, so little time to do it

  17. #17
    Originally posted by Soyuz
    Drains are what make Traders powerful in PvP.

    Prior to patch 14.2, getting drained was just a nuisance. Your AMS dropped and you couldn't cast some of your nanos, but that was about it. A real pain for casting classes, but little more than an inconvenience to everyone else.

    Post 14.2, with the change to the overequipping rules, getting drained meant that not only did your AMS fall, your base damage output would be crippled as well. Traders went from being dangerous to casting classes to being dangerous to everyone.

    As for tradeskill items, Traders already rule the roost in tradeskills if they care to spend the IP. Their skill base is as good as an Engineers and they get tradeskill buffs to boot. However, a lot of Traders are actually set up for PvP and haven't put the IP into tradeskills that would let them excel. Looking at Prozek's other posts I think he's after something that would let him excel at tradeskills and still let him maintain his combat focus at the same time.


    PArtly true! i want to be able to place Ips on Tradeskills, i get shiet loads of tells do you have this and that in that skill..NO! i try to stay alive first, THEN i start working.
    If you ask many of the higher lvl traders around in which lvl they started Tradeskills...many would say 150+, before that you need every scrap of ip. Sure there is some out there that gimps themselves but hey! why Bother, theres more tradeskill ITEMS for ENGIS that we ofc CANT use! so lets just buff them instead for money. GOOD idea!. not asking for a Crit everything nuke that ENf to BC shotty! im asking for something that we, the Traders Can call our own! i dont give a rats butt if its ****rare and hard to get, i TO can get STORM to lend a hand so..BUT comparing CDS armor with BARTER...Fixers got GA allready...Love armor,,,,NCU hacker tool...a shop that actually sells something GOOD!!. and we get Barter armor?!?! have you actually checked it?!? its friggin worthless!
    and i cant be the only one thinking that or else there would actually be ANY traders using it! i havent seen a single one!
    220/26 and an army of alts
    so much to do, so little time to do it

  18. #18
    And just for those who want deprive to be nerfed, in the concept, deprive are there to cover the counter par of the wranglers.

    This mean, if Deprive are nerfed, you gonna pay really a lot to be able to equip your uber gun

  19. #19
    Originally posted by Emperor Prozek
    Sure there is some out there that gimps themselves but hey! why Bother, theres more tradeskill ITEMS for ENGIS that we ofc CANT use! so lets just buff them instead for money. GOOD idea!.
    Most of the Engineer stuff doesn't drop. If you added together the effects of everything that does drop, you wouldn't get close to the effect of a Maestro. Here's a rundown of what's actually out there to help Engineers with tradeskills.
    • Giraldi Crystal - dropping, but useless because of the Melee Energy req. Dark blue for us and useless for anything else. The QL200 version gives a massive 30 to Mech Eng and 12 to Matter Met.
    • Spider Poison Gland weapons - not dropping.
    • Construction Sleeves - nice, easy to get, buffs you by 3 to 5 pts. w00t.
    • Helmet and Breastplate of Technical Ceremonies - buff a couple of skills by 10-20pts each. Ridiculously hard to get thanks to who it drops from. QL200 only, so no use to lower levels.
    • Custom-Made Engineer Rings of Battle and Tinkering - not dropping. Best buff is +24 at QL200.
    • Mechanical Analyzer - a new one in 14.6, I don't know whether these are dropping or not. Adds 4pts to mech eng, so don't get too excited.
    • Modified A-4000 NCU Sheet - dropping, adds 40 to nanoprogramming. Not really a Trader forte, and in any case trivial compared to an NT or MP programming buff or the 1k token board.
    • HUD Upgrade: Personal S.T.M - our nicest item. Drops from TIM in TLR, adds +35 to Elec Eng and Quantum FT.
    • Pre-configured NCU - Electrical Engineering - don't know whether this drop or not, to be honest. QL200 adds 50 to Elec. Eng.

    That's the lot. There are no other Eng. only items that add to tradeskills. That little lot isn't going to make anyone an uber tradeskiller, even if you owned every last piece. Successful tradeskill Engineers don't do it by owning rare and powerful items. They do it by spending the IP. If you want to tradeskill, you have to make sacrifices elsewhere in your profile, Eng or Trader.

    EDIT: Forgot my last point. I've nothing against Traders having Trader-only items in principle. However, many Engineers wonder why Traders have the engineering buffs, especially when they can raise their tradeskills to the same levels that Engineers can. To say that Engineers are better tradeskillers and that Traders should get an item that buffs tradeskills to compensate adds insult to injury.


    Last edited by Soyuz; Dec 6th, 2002 at 20:17:06.

  20. #20

    Profession only items are bad, dammit! Is this a skill based game or not?
    Kenlon- Combat Medic, RK1
    "This! Is! My! Boomstick!" Gear.

    Creaky old vet, back for another go-round.

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