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Thread: Looking to build a Guardian Conductor of Corruption

  1. #1

    Looking to build a Guardian Conductor of Corruption

    I'm hoping to possible build a ql 230 one these with help of my guild engineer. Curious if this even possible with even the most skilled engineers?

    Can Cloud of Polychromic Nanobots be within 15% of item its be combined with? Also what's the best location for finding these?

    I'm also kinda curious what the highest ql built tower someone has made. If cannot build ql 230 hope least be able build something close to it.

    Thank you for any answer anyone can provide.
    Last edited by Divinecross; Dec 2nd, 2002 at 12:21:12.

  2. #2
    hiya Div , Alrias Built a 160ish as a test . I would send him a /tell if you cant find anyone else who knows about it .

  3. #3
    i made a ql 134 of hte other my mech eng is only 1080 so my guess is around ql140-145 is max

  4. #4
    I know that 197 towers can be made by 200 traders (almost positive that a 200 can be as well). A 200 engineer has the advantage of having a lot more gear available (ie. technical rites armor etc.) I would think they could go up to 210, maybe 215.

    Past that would get tricky I think. Who knows tho, there maybe be routes I don't know if yet.

  5. #5
    Master Engineer Superslang was able build me ql 205(not sure his highest ql) ^^ really nice. Sure he can little over that. My guess would be max created Conductor would fall really close to ql 210ish. I believe be ql of your program used to make conductor will be what determines the finished ql of your Conductor.

    Dont know awhole about Turrets. I think the skill system is little different for these. But he was able build ql 217 Cold turret.
    Last edited by Divinecross; Dec 4th, 2002 at 04:09:26.

  6. #6
    weird when i tried to do the second stage on the turret ql 164 it needed 1180 in skill so if he done a ql 217 i would love to know how

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Divinecross
    Master Engineer Superslang was able build me ql 205(not sure his highest ql) ^^ really nice. Sure he can little over that. My guess would be max created Conductor would fall really close to ql 210ish. I believe be ql of your program used to make conductor will be what determines the finished ql of your Conductor.

    Dont know awhole about Turrets. I think the skill system is little different for these. But he was able build ql 217 Cold turret.
    Master Engineer Superslang Enhanced With Trader Buffs.

    Hehe sorry, couldn't resist.
    Warboc - 218 Adv
    President of Defiance

  8. #8
    Eaze claims to have a ql220 guardian conductor of corruption on RK-2, requiring 1250 elec. engi, so if that's true, someone ought to be able to build it on RK-1 as well.
    Corianin - TL6 NT - eqp

  9. #9
    he claims to have ql 300 org advantage too. Didn't know shop went over 250 :P I could see how possible have sum total of ql 300 org advantage which something that I could do.

    Also when trying build ql 218 tower the skill went well into the 1280+ mark. Not really sure about this would have ask Slaggie how high he can get etc. Seems possible get fairly high skill if you use org advantages that are tradeskill based(something we haven't tried yet). Also would have construct the tower base site seeing org advantage seem kinda bugged atm.
    Last edited by Divinecross; Dec 4th, 2002 at 12:08:25.

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