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Thread: Towers and XP Bonus Need Tweaking

  1. #1

    Towers and XP Bonus Need Tweaking

    this is how i think the exp + % should be counted:

    The number of people of said faction / # of towers of said faction

    That would give a number that could then be multiplied by a constant that would give the correct xp% boost.

    I know omis/clans will hate this but it is only fair...

    Lets just say, Omni has 10k people on and have 50 towers: that gets base of 200 multiply that by lets say .025 to get a 5% xp bonus. (these numbers were arbitrary)

    then lets take neutral 1k people on with 5 towers get 200 and again a 5% xp bonus.

    This would make the ratios of xp bonus fair.

    As it is now, neuts have the same number of towers / number of neuts than omni/clan do. why should we get less xp bonus?

    I am not saying for clan or omni xp bonus to get nerfed, Any questions / comments?
    Last edited by Stimmed; Nov 30th, 2002 at 08:34:45.

  2. #2

    you argument that the percentage of XP bonus should be take into account the number of players on a side I feel holds some merit but I must disagree with your equations.

    Your equations lead to a problem in that the XP bonus decreases with the increased number of towers.

    For eaxmple 10K peeps / 1 Tower gives 10,000 this then gives 250% bonus.

    The only ther problem I can see is that how would you arrive at the number of people belonging to a faction. Would you use all the characters that have been created or those active within say the last month or perhaps those online at the given time.

    I think that perhaps the best way would be to calculate the XP bonus based on the total number of areas in a factions land that can be controlled. That is just to give neuts a boost to compensate for their smaller area of land.

  3. #3
    heh, never was too good at math

    lemme try again, lets stay with the 10k people w/ 50 towers should give 5% xp bonus

    lets do 5/10000 = 0.0005 * X = .05 or 5%
    X = 100

    if there were 10k w/ 1 tower

    1/10000 = 0.0001 * 100 = .01 or 1%

    this calculation seems to work better...

    I am not saying it wont be a more complex formula but just something along those lines.

    I think the # of people should be either the number of people on currently who are active, could be updated every hour or so and you have to be moving or something, so that when omnis are at work dont log in on clanners to reduce xp bonus. This is the best way IMO.

    Your idea about the controllable lands, I thought all land was controllable by everyone, thats hwy clans/omnis would have wars with eachother and not just amongst themselves...

    anyone else have comments/questions?

  4. #4
    XP bonus is relative to the amount of land you own over the entire world.

    I think it's great.
    Don't be lonely anymore.

    Look at your post, now back at mine. Now back to your post, now back at mine. Sadly, yours isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through posts, reading the posts your posts could look like. Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again, my reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.

  5. #5
    When I say controlable land I just mean areas that are controlable that lie in land that are considered Omni/Neut/Clan. Or even just the amount of land that is considered to be omnitek etc ya know there are lots of places that are clan and omni a bit of neut and some that is kinda nomans land. So the neuts get a bonus as there are less of them. I was just thinking that setting a neut boost that was fixed would prevent any exploits.

  6. #6
    I don't think neuts should even be able to control land. They are NEUTRAL why are they permitted to control warring land? Anything to make them pick a side and stop messing up our teams is good.

  7. #7
    uhhh the ICC is now allowing EVERYONE to mine notum! The neutrals are just trying to make a profit, if that means we are doing everything for profit. But yes, in teams we should be taken off the tab key. Please be constructive instead of saying that drivel that has been said too numerous of times.

  8. #8
    Should the neutrals be allowed to control land.... NO not by Omni-Tech!!

    From what I can tell the Neutrals are a small force and as a side the XP bonus they get could be ours. As it is in our best interests to have as much land controlled by as as possible the first step should be to eliminate the neutrals. This being that a consolidated attack on the Neutrals by the combinded forces of Omni-Tek should easily wipe them out giving us the land and the benifits from it, of course the same is true from the Clans perspective.
    The first side to crush the neutrals and take there land will gain an edge in coming conflicts with the more powerful side.

    Although I see no reason why the neutrals shouldn't be allowed to try just that the clans and omnis should stop them.

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