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Thread: Disabled tower areas?

  1. #1

    Disabled tower areas?

    Today we were trying to set up bases in 2ho and Milky Way, all checks where green but when we tried to deploy the tower we got a strange error message (can't remember it right now) -- it seems like these spots have been disabled from establishing bases on. Anyone know when to expect this to be enabled again?

  2. #2
    Maybe they're the spots that have been disabled due to the distribution snafu. I ready somewhere about some areas being unavailable for building until a certain amount of time.

    I don't know what amount.
    Omni-Exploration Corps.

  3. #3
    a guildmate and i spent 5 hours cruisin all over RK trying to find a spot to place ANY kind of tower from ql 10-100. every open spot we found we either got "area has been disabled" or a nice white error box saying "all checks were ok. but something is wrong with the check system. this shouldnt happen, send a petition blah blah blah" 6 hours after sending 'Bug' petition, no tower.....any Euros wanna buy my copy?

  4. #4


    those areas are disabled because not every player has the booster. they are waiting till tonight, or wed to open those area's. some where on the forums, there was stuff about this.

    i am one of those people who don't have it.

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