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Thread: how do i use org advantages ?

  1. #1

    Unhappy how do i use org advantages ?

    ok, so the elite academy is the first neutral guid to own a bit of land, transit valley ore, but theres one problem.....

    how do i use the advantages i bought for my orginisation ? there's no book in the terminals about using them.

    FC plz put a book about how to use em, or else they are worthless.

  2. #2
    supposedly * Guild leader needs to type /org contract , then he adds the advantages to the bag that apears . Suppose to be that easy , havent had the chance to try it yet though

  3. #3
    yep, thats how it works, leader put some advtgs in the contract, but it takes 2 hours to take effect, well see what happens then...

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