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Thread: Phoenix Division is now recruiting (Side: Omni)

  1. #1

    Phoenix Division is now recruiting (Side: Omni)

    As my old guild died from the "non-active members" disease, we decided to reform the organization on our last meeting. The result is a (yet) rather small organization with a lot of potential. We have a few die-hard members, and would very much like to expand the circle.

    You may want to look at our summary at:
    or our prelimenary HP at:

    If you are interested, please contact either of my characters or one of our officers: Zulst (General), Alkey (General), Blakfyre (Squad Commander), Razerite (Squad Commander) or Voxyn (Squad Commander).

    Note: The reason our summary still lists all the members from the old organization is, we did not want to just kick everyone, without giving the active members (that could not make the meeting) a chance to state their interest!
    Mihraan 208 Trader

  2. #2

  3. #3
    didnt know gim..*cough* omni's had organizations :O

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