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Thread: Not leaving AO at all

  1. #1

    Not leaving AO at all

    We have so many people who for no reason come and announce to the world that they are leaving AO and this game sucks and really it can all be traced back to a traumatic event when they were four and a clown.... well you all know the posts.

    I have therefore decided to announce that I am NOT leaving AO at all. I like the game and am staying :P
    "Woe unto those who would tempt us from our path. Woe unto those who would defile the the Spirit in transgression against Him. For them I shall show no mercy. Such is the will of Bantz"

  2. #2

    Re: Not leaving AO at all

    Originally posted by Adolanabantz
    We have so many people who for no reason come and announce to the world that they are leaving AO and this game sucks and really it can all be traced back to a traumatic event when they were four and a clown.... well you all know the posts.

    I have therefore decided to announce that I am NOT leaving AO at all. I like the game and am staying :P
    I'm not leaving either. So you can't have my stuff. Nyah, nyah, NYAH!
    Anastasia "Aniee" Cervenak
    Martial Artist

    Man is the only animal that blushes, or needs to. -------Mark Twain

  3. #3
    I'm staying to WOOOHOOO. Played since release....still going strong.
    Atrox Enforcer


  4. #4
    lol! You run a fearful risk of angering the trolls, my friend. They might bestow the stigma of "Fanboi" upon you. *grin*
    Good, bad... I'm the guy with the gun.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    The odd handful of 'I quit' threads.... big deal. Go show me an online game like this that *doesn't* have them. It's the way things work - nobody makes the perfect game that every person in the world wants to play forever.

    If we could just get, say, 5% of the players who play AO day in, day out to each start an 'I'm staying' thread then the boards would become full of them (and very dull indeed too )


    P.S. I'm staying

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Tal Cerav
    lol! You run a fearful risk of angering the trolls, my friend. They might bestow the stigma of "Fanboi" upon you. *grin*
    Maybe so...but I quit for 4 months...and came back playing the first charcter i created and still play him. And this game is way better than what it was at release.
    Atrox Enforcer


  8. #8
    You are going to have to pry my QL200 Dissafilliation Sniper rifle and Stigma Rifle from my cold, dead, rotting carcus. I'm staying and well on my way to level 200!!!! If you are omni, I will help you... and if you are clan I will one day kill you.

    /me watches Snarf through the crosshairs of a gun trying to decide where to best place to hit an atrox to bring him to his knees is.


  9. #9
    they wont be ridd of me that easily. they probably will have to pay me to make me quit

  10. #10

    Thumbs up

    I am staying too!

    oh, and that was a GrEAT step on adding new payment methods, Funcom!

  11. #11

    So far .. so good

    Yes.. im still here .. BUT

    Check this out :

    Read the FAQ

    I find it very exciting

  12. #12
    /me gives jakespeed a cookie
    "By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising: kill yourself." --Bill Hicks
    "Have we turned into gerbils? People are paying money to walk up invisible steps over and over again." --Dennis Leary

  13. #13
    Neocron? That is just quake with experience points and levels.

  14. #14


    I think you might want to research that a little further.
    Hey .. i love AO too. However, i do have a opened mind. Im just waiting to see what the next patch has in store for us.

  15. #15

    Talking Not a Fanboi...

    ...just a realist who would rather take my chances on the game getting better

    Been here since beta (now ain't i kewl) and despite the problems (and we all know there are problems) have seen the game get better. Granted not as often and not as fast as i would like but I am not gonna walk away from the game, my friends and my guild unless something REALLY goes wrong...

    errr...hmmm... maybe I am a fanboi
    "Woe unto those who would tempt us from our path. Woe unto those who would defile the the Spirit in transgression against Him. For them I shall show no mercy. Such is the will of Bantz"

  16. #16


    I'm staying till the fat Atrox sings a polka!

  17. #17

    fat AtroX sings the Polka?, now that was something that could make me quit :OP

    Been around since Beta also, i still cant see the serius bugs that make people leave

    "There are no story", no its because YOU make it :OP

    "Tha GeMa Are Fill auf Bogs" So are your spelling, nothing is perfect.

    Only way to get rid of me is to get that fat AtroX ;O)

  18. #18
    ahh im staying also

    There are many issues that Funcom got to solve, but all the whining about crappy loot and misison items makes me do all the "our proffesion don't have this and that" ppl who wants the different professions to be just like all the other proffesions....
    "i can't kill a red mob...bah" Then stay the f*** away from them aint that hard...or get a friend to help u out....
    We cant all be "supermen", but with a little help from your friends, this Rubi-world could be a wonderful place.

    happy huntin'

  19. #19
    I'm here till the Rubi-Ka is safe, or till I have a fat Atrox singing polkas at my appartment.
    General Blyzzard
    Division 9
    Strat Ops

  20. #20


    Right.. for now AO has the best boat so keep on sailing with a strong wind and a clear sky..

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