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Thread: We Need T-Shirts...

  1. #21
    w00t i can see it now

    You go to a bar wearing a shirt

    I got TTS

    I Got MOP

    Some guy. hiya
    Some girl. is TTS a STD?


  2. #22
    stfu noob

    Executing Nano Program: Complete Healing.
    Executing Nano Program: Complete Healing.
    Executing Nano Program: Complete Healing.
    You died of weapon damage!

    Front: Internation Yalm-Diver League
    Back: You took 996 points of fall damage.

    My other main is 200

    Nanocharger Junkie

    Front: Engineer doing /strong1 in front of his Slayer
    Back: Slayer humping a table

    For the MPs: Buff Wh*re

    Front: Got T?
    Back: Close-up of T doing scary stuff

    Will Heal for Food


  3. #23
    "Servers going down NOW for emergency patch"

    Got Bacon?
    Soldier Equip

    Victory to the omnis! The Renaissance attacked Nemesis in theyre base in Mort. The attackers won!
    [Gimpybot] Kiwaczek: how the hell they plant ct 8 min before timer ? [Gimpybot] Zantezutske: another nice exploit? (The Renaissance built CT)

    Vlain: I am milk every of yous!!!

    Proud member of The Renaissance

  4. #24
    "Grid Camping since Launch '01"
    "Gank a Care Bear Today!"
    "Dead Roleplayer"
    "I Looted Aeigimpdaddy And All I Got Was This Lousy XP Finger"
    "Grid Armor Gives Me Blue Balls"
    Johnny "Hydeo" Toxic
    Level 212 Fixer
    Veteran of Midnight Reveries
    Horrible Person

  5. #25

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