Game Premise: Big Bad corporation is trying to mine a planet for Notum. They are oppressive and the people revolt, and escape. The rebels form various clans, and become known as such. War errupts between the two. The Anarchy begins....

With that premise why are there no faction flags and reputational type things in the game? Clanners killing clan guards has no negative side effect...same with the Omni...why is this? Does Omni command not care if its members go psycho and kill their highly trained guards? Do the clan leaders not care that their few highly trained guards are being slaughtered by their own troops? Apparently not.

I wrote a largely ignored PvP suggestion two weeks ago that involved enabling factions flags for PvP, and having titles dependent upon killing members of the opposite faction. This post goes one farther. In addition to having your faction and the faction of your target affect your PvP title, it should affect your standing with the guards of your faction. In other words, clan guards should soon agro on you if your a clan member and killing clan guards...same goes with omni or neutral. Yeah, this means that some people will lose some avenues of xp...but these avenues should be replaced by more mobs of various lvls outdoors.

Old Post is Here, it is much more fleshed out on the PvP side of this idea.