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Thread: Social Armor/Back Slot modification

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Social Armor/Back Slot modification

    Ok, how many times have you been dissuaded from putting on some comfy robes or something to pop down the bar in because it will take too much time and buffs to get your armour back on??

    This is, as I see it, a fundamental flaw in the clothing structure for characters. I believe you should be able to don social armour, i.e. clothing that looks nice but doesn't necessarily do anything, without any need to totally re-equip your combat-grade armour afterwards.

    The reason? Many will groan and moan when I say RP, but does not Funcom and ARK want to promote events, promote community, promote organisational structures? Whether it be as a guild uniform, or as a character-specific rp aid (e.g. dark robes and leathers for a sneaky agent), there are many people out there who are frustrated at the fact they cannot wear what they like when not fighting, because of the consequences of kitting up afterwards.

    This is unnacceptable in its current form, and I believe rectifying this would encourage a lot more rp, a greater sense of community, and afford a lot more fun for those in the game who do enjoy a bit of rp now and again. Solutions? Have an extra slot for a set of social armour like the current Back Slot, or even better, simply a new tab window entitled clothing - stuff you can wear 'over' your armour providing you are not in a fight.
    Leader, The Enclave - a Rebel SWG Guild
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  2. #2
    Good idea...maybe clothing could become a holographic image that gets disrupted when in batlle.

    Just an idea.

  3. #3


    Or do as suggested many times before. Have an extra tab for social clothes. And some way of switching between the 2 sets, it doesnt matter whether it takes a minute or so to switch, or you cant be in battle when switching (to avoid PvP issues).
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  4. #4
    The problem with the 'social armor' tab, is that, last I looked, things like battlesuits and MA organic suits are 'social armor,' so you'd never be able to equip them as normal armor.

    But then again, this 'social armor' concept is, IMO, a totally dumb one. So the problem isn't the tab, but the 'social armor' concept. If you had two tabs, one for armor and one for street clothes, that didn't have this 'social armor' restriction, then I think your idea would work out well.

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