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Thread: Please fix yalm-battlesuit polymorph bug problem

  1. #1

    Please fix yalm-battlesuit polymorph bug problem

    Can't get in my yalm while I'm wearing a battlesuit - but the battlesuit takes ages to put on and take off.

    Please either fix it so I can wear a battlesuit in my yalm or decrease the battlesuit wear time to such a small amount it isn't such a bother to take it off.


    ps nice to see my weapon with the battlesuit now
    "When you tread the path of the demon make sure you follow it to the end."

  2. #2
    just drop the suite and put on some nice armour instead.

  3. #3
    Originally posted by Halestorm
    just drop the suite and put on some nice armour instead.
    And you wonder why no one uses things that are broken? If they don't "fix" them then no one will use them. Done.

  4. #4
    I'm going to have to drop the suit, again. Was hoping it might be viable after they spent time fixing it for the last patch.

    I just want a battlesuit wearing, heavy weapon wielding soldier. Gimped beyond belief of course. Bu that's what I want.
    "When you tread the path of the demon make sure you follow it to the end."

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