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Thread: Where are we going to find these?...

  1. #1

    Where are we going to find these?...

    I found some new items at Ag's website. I jsut wanted to know where and how do we get these? Are they going to be like the agent balaclava and how you have to right click to upgrade? If this is true are we going to get charged per ql upgraded? Every Prof seems to get something in a prof specific ring.

    What are these referring to? Shadowlands anyone?

    Just wondering about these items. Any light shed on this would be nice to know and even if you dont want to give spoilers to it at least tell us something.

    Thank you.
    - Cyrus Cyblade7 Crown
    - General of Redemption

  2. #2
    My guess is (about the rings) is that you can find those on a heavily camped mob. Probably in a political or mayhem zone as well.

    OR, maybe they come from one of the new static missions where you again have to camp some mobs and compete against 4+ other teams to get the kill.

    Did I mention I hate camping?

  3. #3

    Shadow Rifts

    I believe the shadow rifts are new addtions to missions in the next patch. they have added shrines that give you a buff, depending on the name of the shrine.. heard about it when someone found it one in a mission on the test server

  4. #4
    Actual if you notice they have a level requirement not skills

    These I hear will be just like bracers rare mission loot
    Fighting for Truth, Common Sense and Leet Dolls Since 1996

    Give the people what they want

    If I am
    I am
    If Not

    Forget It

  5. #5
    The Rift's are the new shrines in missions - they give you a 3 minute buff - depends on the type, some add speed, some nano, some health, etc. I think those canisters are the game db icons used to implement them, like the 'Boss loot rings' that are modifiers the bosses generate to create the diferent types of bosses.

    As for the rings, they might be quest / tradeskill items.
    Nursebetti 200Doctor

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