Why not make a specific emote according to trade,
for ex. MA can make a kata, meta & eng play with pet
As I can see emotes has been da same seens day1 ?

Now I might go over da top but is it posible
to script to for ex. /emote bow ; wait 5 ; /emote nono ; say "oh
im sorry" which would interupt first emote to do nono in da middle
so one could experiment making scripts to invent new ones in combinations and interupts ?

Also is it posible now to include bar in scripts ?
for example Id like a "x ; f1 ; heal ; x ; f1 " if u understand
what Im aiming at.

And then is there any naming forms perhaps
%L = Location , %E = current fighting enemy , %T = targeted
and have them in chat and bind them to macro ?