Ive seen several posts on loans and pawns,
there are several ways that it acctualy could work
for thoese who grave for more creds before higher level
and then without exploit and massive creds giving from
hand to hand.

For instance, you can take out a loan,
in your hand you get a uniqe non-drop recipe that
only works one time, alternative in more shops but
its for your specificly. This way you can not give away
the loaned creds. There are several ways this could be

Other forms are you get discounts after earned tokens,
perhaps a ladder system you get 5-50% off total price
in one shop and so forth one time, after earned 10 tokens.

Well I agree that the missery for lack of creds is annoying
but pushes one forward, but if you need anarchy-online
and create natural cash flow, your should be able
to mugg someone npc, rob bank, hack bank or
as spoken off, loan money.

So there are several ways of controling it,
and Ive spoken to many that would luv it
and likewise many who think it corrupts,
perhaps Ive given some solution in da matter !