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Thread: my disappointment with the game so far

  1. #1

    my disappointment with the game so far

    I joined the colony as an Omni-Tek employee, but after my initial shell-shock of a week or so, I realized that many Omni-Tek people indiscriminately shoot others on sight. A Clan member convinced me that Omni-Tek was corrupt. I mean, I believe in a rigid structure of laws, but I don't believe in the complete lack of fairness towards the mine workers. I realized that while not all of the Omni-Tek employees are so prejudiced, the organization as a whole needed to be restructured.

    But, I was unprepared to join the Clans. During the same week, I saw that many Clan members resort to violence and terrorism. I honestly feel that a peaceful solution should be attempted first and all this fighting with no questions asked is not productive.

    Alas, I was not allowed to be neutral. And the game broke my suspension of disbelief and the story I was creating with my character. I was hoping to help foster peace between the warring factions. Forcing me to choose a side, after becoming disillusioned with both is regretable.

    Now I'm a Clanner, but I will always judge a person by his or her actions, not by their affiliation, and I suppose my next step is to find a Clan group which has the same views as me - that violence is not the answer.

    OOC: As a new player, tell me if I'm just deluding myself. So far the game seems kind of combat oriented. I find I *have* to kill things in order to gain xp. Sure I could team and just heal people, but I really wanted some talking and fetch type missions. The missions where you do find something or repair something are not viable since the reward for non-violent means is far lower than the reward you get if you kill everyone.

    PS. this is cross-posted on the game mechanics in response to being neutral

  2. #2
    OOC: You're right, it is pretty combat oriented. That's the norm for MMORPGs, really. If that's not your bag you might be better off just trying UO, that's the only MMORPG I'm aware of that doesn't revolve around combat for the majority of one's gameplay.

  3. #3
    OOC: In order to get more experience you have to kill stuff.

    There are lots of Clans/Guilds that don't want to kill things all the time and promote peace. The Unity of the Rose come to mind... it would be worth reading back over the Roleplaying forum and find a person/guild whose view point your character agrees with.

    If you like RP you may be able to stay low level and just tell stories.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Hirunda
    If you like RP you may be able to stay low level and just tell stories.
    Well, dont enter OT cities if your low lvl and without a yalm

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