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Thread: The perfect team

  1. #1

    Post The perfect team

    Randomly bored one day in usual...and decided to think of what would be the perfect team. I think I may have got it.

    PVM Team:
    1)Doctor - I know I know no duh. But gotta have one need the heals and HP buffs.
    2)Bureaucrat - I believe he would be usful for xp buff, pet, calming
    3)Enforcer - Tank, Essense
    4)Nano-Tech - HE, nukes, layers
    5)Fixer - NCU buff, and w/ GA pretty much unkillable and a HoT here and again is nice.
    6)Trader - good 'ol shotgun, debuff and team wrangle. The wrangle allows the rest of the team to cast and use the next higher stuff which makes a big difference.

    PVP Team: (perhaps my ideas for Notum Wars)
    1)Doctor - I know I know no duh. But gotta have one need the heals and HP buffs.
    2)Enforcer - Tank, Essense
    3)Nano-Tech - HE, nukes, layers
    4)Fixer - NCU buff, and w/ GA pretty much unkillable and a HoT here and again is nice.
    5)Trader - good 'ol shotgun and team wrangle. The wrangle allows the rest of the team to cast and use the next higher stuff which makes a big difference. Debuff and root here being crucial!
    6)Martial Artist - Human version of a DoT, Human version of a HoT and always good to have around.

    Basically Im thinking for a little discussion about this dandy topic.
    I think that with these teams you are constantly healing, constantly getting nano, and dealing a good chunk of damage.

  2. #2
    hmm, for pvm would people rather have a crit buff or an xp buff?

    quite a question... but either way I'm not sure you need two calmers in the perfect team. if you're gonna have two of something make it docs

    edit... oh right, three calmers. well hey, adds wont be a problem in that team you can be sure of that ;P
    Last edited by Nikki; Nov 14th, 2002 at 19:45:16.
    ~ Nikki "Kitene" Darling ~
    4925867th lvl 200 MA. cookie plz!
    ~ Lady "Aerfalle"Aerlinthe ~
    4925867th 200 NT. Gimme cookie

  3. #3
    Originally posted by americanthighs
    quite a question... but either way I'm not sure you need two calmers in the perfect team. if you're gonna have two of something make it docs

    edit... oh right, three calmers. well hey, adds wont be a problem in that team you can be sure of that ;P
    Yeah I thought about this actually. But it seemed that the other part of those professions paid off. I mean HE keeps everyones nano up which is always important. I chose xp buff over crit buff because well for pvm your really looking for xp and i figure with this team dmg isn't a problem. As for the third calmer the trader I am not sure...seems like the wrangle would be good, but perhaps there is something better. For pvp though trader is a must!

  4. #4
    My perfect PvM team:

    Doctor, heals, hp buff
    Soldier, damage, MK shield for emergencies
    Enforcer, damage, mongo, essence
    Fixer, damage, NCU buff, HoTs
    MA, damage, secondary heals, crit buff
    Beauracrat, calms, xp buff
    Clan fixer, Fourth Title

    Director of Information
    Analog Myth

  5. #5
    PvP Team?


    Easy enough.

  6. #6
    Lvl 215 Rubika 1 Omni Bureaucrat

    Lvl 176 Rubika 1 Omni Soldier
    Lvl 100ish Rubika 1 Omni Doctor
    Anarchist of TEEN GIRL SQUAD!

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard

  7. #7

    No MP I see

    No MP at all, instead you list a Trader for buffs. Hmm, more support to the MP boycott then.

    There are many good PvM teams, but I prefer a fast high damage team. Everyone tanks basically. At 125+ all you need is a core of:

    1) Crat - XP Buff, Off/Def Speech, Mez, Stun
    2) MA - crit buff, heals
    3) Enforcer - init and health buffs
    4) Soldier - reflects for all
    5) Fixer - HoTs, NCU buff, run buff and grid (can't waste those 2 min on warp)
    6) Anyone doing decent damage including petless Engies and MP's.

    HoTs and reflects plus a good mezzer = no need for pure support healer. You'd be surprised that after awhile a dedicated healer begins to slow down a team.

    Now an MP would be nice in team PvP for Nano Shutdown

    P.S. Traders do not debuff mobs a damn.
    Last edited by Autocrat/Seraph; Nov 14th, 2002 at 23:45:21.
    Autocratt Atrox Bureaucrat 200
    Current PvP Armor Setup
    Seraphfirst Nanomage MP 175 Current Fire Reflect Armor Setup (67%)

    Suggestions for Revising the Bureaucrat Profession
    1) Charming our own Droids
    2) A fear, and area snare as good as the enforcer's and fixer's
    3) New super short mez nanos and mez nano init changes for PvP
    4) The nuke changes
    5) Highly increased range on speech nanos

  8. #8
    Bah, you guys think too logically...

    1) Adventurer
    2) Adventurer
    3) Adventurer
    4) Adventurer
    5) Adventurer
    6) Adventurer

    Enough healing and damage to last a lifetime.


  9. #9

    NTs area nuke and/or calm if needed and the doc keeps the fragile nukers alive. works in both PvP and PvM.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Halestorm

    NTs area nuke and/or calm if needed and the doc keeps the fragile nukers alive. works in both PvP and PvM.
    I think this is the best PVP team. Perhap not so many NTs, 3 or 4 should be enuf. All of them launching AE nuke at the same time can wipe out a big number of together.

    Substitue one NT with another DOC would be best.

    As for PVM, dont think this is good. Should have a crat for XP bonus. And a real tank. In PVM, one NT in a team should be about just nice.

  11. #11
    The perfect PvM team -- tried and true for all those endless BS missions...

    3 MA: at least one of which yells gogogogo at various intervals
    crit buffs, occasional heals which are all that are really needed anyway, solid damage

    1 Crat: xp buff, calms for convienence, crat suit for style (anyone who has to actually wear real armor in this team has issues....)

    1 fixer: this is perhaps the most important player, no not for hots, not for NCU, but for the Grid!. Anyone remember the last time they had to run out of a mission? eek! and well, the hots and ncu help too

    1 trader or NT: since ffok is self only now, a trader is probably a better choice, especially if they can be convinced to run a wrangle too The NT is just great damage and Never Ever having to sit to recharge nano.

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Ashuras

    And a real tank.
    An equal level nt (with a doc) will out tank any enforcer out there...they're not used to the aggro due to teaming with nt's for so long

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Zoltah

    An equal level nt (with a doc) will out tank any enforcer out there...
    Yea, I'd like to see that. Non-tank classes often die in 2 or 3 hits from mobs; no doc can keep up with that. Especially not with the team-heal obsessed docs the game seems to be flooded with these days.
    Clan fixer, Fourth Title

    Director of Information
    Analog Myth

  14. #14
    i goo team i think is 3 nt, a trader, an enf, a doc (or any other healing class that heals well not a agent fp doc..)and a soldier
    had that team a while ago and did 5 missions with the whole team together was rea fun..

  15. #15

    3x Ma's (well...basicly you normally can't have enough of 'em for PvM)
    1xAgent ( a crat? pfft ask him/her nicely to do the xp buff+TTS and damn nice damage)
    1xFixer (decent damage+Hot's/Ncus/GSF)
    1xTrader (calms/support healing/damage/teamwrangle)

    I had today a stable core of the team of agent/fixer/agent/trader/2x Ma

    Fastest and best setup there is imho. Maybe swap a NT for a Ma, since they also do nice fast damage and i Humid/cc is also something fine
    Rawkster - 200 Agent
    Thorian - 200 Trader

  16. #16

    1. crat
    Lvl 215 Rubika 1 Omni Bureaucrat

    Lvl 176 Rubika 1 Omni Soldier
    Lvl 100ish Rubika 1 Omni Doctor
    Anarchist of TEEN GIRL SQUAD!

    <BombScare> i beat the internet
    <BombScare> the end guy is hard

  17. #17

    6xMartial Artist

    6 MA casting team heals all the time "cant" die - and they kill faster than most other profession.
    No need for a mezzer in a perfect team since mobs will drop so fast anyways.
    Thist would also be the easiest and fastest leveling team - as you dont have to bother getting new weapons and so on, just put skills into gen stats, MA, Brawl and evades.
    Magbyte - 210+ Soldier - Equipment
    Cratbyte - 220 Crat - Equipment
    Medbyte - 150+ Doc

  18. #18
    Originally posted by Luxxan

    Non-tank classes often die in 2 or 3 hits from mobs; no doc can keep up with that.
    first of all anyone who dies in 2-3 (non critical hits) from any mob in a misson is either
    a) in the wrong mission
    b)a complete and total gimp

    you're also forgetting that if i get in trouble i
    recharge nano/hp
    calm again
    hit with a fast nuke to regain aggro

    I'm not a tank because i can take hits better than the enforcer, I'm a tank because i can tell the mob who to attack and choose to tell it to attack me...

  19. #19

    I doubt that. take only the addition of 1 trader casting the +132 teamwrangle. i think the superior damage of the remaining 5 ma's would equal alone to the missing ma not adding the damage of the trader himself.
    if i remember right my lvl 158 ma did 2.6k'ish fist crits with FFoK, and with a wrangle he was doing 3k'ish. adding this alone would mean that (lets say all 5 ma's crit at once) would have +4k damage and then u still have the trader who does 3k crits. (ok this here depends now all on crits but since i haven't played my Ma for some time now i couldn't really remember the base damage he was doing)
    Rawkster - 200 Agent
    Thorian - 200 Trader

  20. #20
    The Best team?

    When I team with anyone from my guild, hands down. Doesnt matter the profession.

    Meta Physicist

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