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Thread: New Tir/Clan Guards | Give neutrals more love!

  1. #21
    It's a pitty that they don't give love to the Neutrals... but I do really wish something would change and give the Neutrals something... some sort of advantage of being Neutral.

    However, the Tir Guards shooting at Neutrals is another story...

    Having Tir being screwed pretty bad by the ICC (which, unfortunately, is seen as the major force behind the neutral allignment), can't expect the Clans to be happy with Neuts can you?

  2. #22
    More Neutrals wanted the ICC out of Tir, Newland, and Last Ditch than welcomed them. We would have sided with the Clans to get rid of them so we could be free to oversee ourselves again. Simon Silverstone is just a violent jackass who many Clanners don't even respect. I heard it ingame tonight as we were protesting in ICC headquarters against FunCom. Not even the Clans can do anything to get the Sentinels out of Tir. Nice to feel helpless with respect to the jackbooted thugs. At least they don't shoot Clanners. That'll probably be next.

    The Neutral community should be viewed as a valuable commodity by the game developers. It's a unique organism that if cultured could add a fire that other games don't have. I don't have a problem RP-wise with a thug Clan siezing control of the former Clan capitol. What I do have a problem with is how it affects the gameplay of lower leveled Neutrals. They need to reach Tirbo and Bobic as much as young Clanners and Omni's do. Also, many of the missions out of Newland go to Athen, Wartorn, Rising Sun, Athen Shire.

    They could have at least put some dialogue on the Sentinels explaining why they dislike the Neutrals so much. Just getting shot for 3000 damage when leaving the whom'pa is stupid in game terms. I could understand if I were Omni that I'd stay away from Tir right about now seeing as how violent Silverstone's followers are. But, some young level 2 who hasn't made his mind up or wants to stay out of the conflict does not deserve to die just because he made a wrong turn out of Andromeda.

    All things considered, I don't believe this makes Neutrals hate the Clans in any large measure if that was the intention. Now, it's just the Sentinels who while not necessarily added to our hate list are chalked up as another group of ignorant, misinformed hate mongers. Some kind of hero who goes around killing people who wish him no ill will. I gotta admire those Clanners who oppose Silverstone and his Hitler-like mentality of destroying anything that doesn't walk in lock-step with his ideology. Proves there's some intelligence left in the gaming and roleplaying communities.

    As for the players being involved with the Story, I think it's time that Emissaries from NLF, EO, Circle-G, IR, Desert Winds, Wolf Brigade, and any I may have overlooked are allowed an audience with Silverstone in an effort to procure a rationale behind his orders to have Neutrals killed on site. All I know is that this man's vision of the future is not one that I'd like to live in.

  3. #23
    I am not neutral, i was neutral with my first(s) char(s)

    It was too hard for a noob... so now i am clan...

    But why fc don t make more Neutral object ? ICC - engineer skinchip LoL => Neutral and engineer requirement right that is impossible

    ah well maybe one or two

    Yes give neutrals more love...

    and why sentinels are kicking neutral ? icc is a neutral faction no ? they had to kick the icc out of tir so now they kick any neuters...

    /me ask for a GOOD Neutral ONLY item !
    Vaultcitizen ADV 190. Teh pistol gimpness
    Catspawgirl NT 171. Pnh/Ior Dispenser
    Mareva Fix 167. GSF, Hot and fix grid Dispenser
    Canigou MP 135. CI Dispenser
    Pipboy2001 MA 80ish in gamboling doing /fblock.

    Rubi-Ka 1

    allways /tell Vaultcitizen

  4. #24
    This is weird...
    (My English is poor so bear with me)

    All the time the filthy clanners call Omnis are bunch of slave drivers and evil... Clanners are freedom fighters they said...
    But they point the guns at innocent people (neutral) who do not wish to take side (choose to be free)... and what do they do? Pull the triggers and kill these innocent people...

    To me, Omnis are evil but they are no faker... as least they show themselves.

    What about clanners? Bunch of liars and fakers...

    In my oppinion, if you shoot down neutral in Tir... Let the ICC shoot down the damm clanners in Neutral lands too...
    Why Neutral is being shot down in Tir but clanners walk freely in neutral lans?

    Where is the justice? FC, are you trying to get rid of Neutrals?

    I am Omni and i never had a toon that is neutral... I have several that were clanners... but i feel damm unfair for neutral of how FC favoritism against neutral...

  5. #25
    But, back to the origional topic..........actually, making the new Tir guards non-aggro to Neuts wouldn't be Love.......just returning things to the way they were(for Neuts........keeping Omni out of Tir I don't have the slightest problem with). I also think Clan/Omni should have access to the other side's Arena. I suggest putting teleporters in Tir(to Ent Arena) and Trade(to Tir Arena), much like the teleporter to Lush Fields. But make them usable only when not in combat, to prevent Fixer-like invulnerability. Tir to Neuts, and implement these teleporters. Badda bing, badda boom........everyone's happy
    Nealandbob Headbasher Burninsword-RK1
    Deathfyst Tonofbricks -RK2
    Tonofbricks Nealandbob -RK Test embracing my inner Brat
    Finally back from Iraq
    Enforcers ONLY vote here!
    WoW-Pahani, Skywall/Horde and Barthilas/Horde
    "A good Enforcer dies a lot"-Deng
    "FC didn't create Enforcers, Deng did" -Tza

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