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Thread: guild housing suggestion

  1. #1

    guild housing suggestion

    well, wow is the first game to announce guild housing i believe
    and i have seen another game announcing the possibility to build
    custom castles and stuff like that, new cities built by players ..

    i doubt that this can be implemented easily into AO, and i also
    doubt they will even consider about implementing such a HUGE idea.

    but guild housing is a must imho.

    my suggestion on a guild housing implementation :
    (if these ideas look too minimalistic too you, i am seeing it from a
    coders point of view, and not from a 'i want this stuff no matter if
    its possible' gamers point of view)


    - create areas especially for the placement of guild houses.
    - create a bunch of template models for guild houses
    - make it possible to sign these templates with an individual logo
    or anything stating that its, some guilds, house.

    i would also say to let the templates vary from city to city, to fit
    them into the overall look of the city they are beeing placed.


    this would not even inherit the actual system beeing changed..

    houses could be requested by an organisation, the request then
    is beeing reviewed by an official, and eventually granted if all of
    the requirements are met.
    then there could be small weekly patches, that are just intended
    to place the guild houses, these would be prolly like a few KB and
    no1 should be annoyed by them


    - make the houses VERY expensive
    - put requirements for the organisation in, like a minimum member
    count, a minimum average level, or anything like that.
    (keeps small orgs from collecting money, getting money from friends
    etc.. and build houses that will not even be used)
    - options to remove the house if any requirement isnt fulfilled nemore.
    - a guild can only own one house.


    - the possibility for members to move their apartments to the house


    - as said above make the initial creation of a house VERY expensive
    - keeping the house costs, monthly, or so.

    well, furthermore leaders/council or whatever of the org. should
    be able to customize some kind of entry hall in the house and
    public rooms, aswell as have personal rooms other than their
    apartment ..

    and maybe there should be direct grid connections from the house
    to mining towers that the org. owns ..

    i'll finish/add stuff to this maybe.

  2. #2
    nope not the first time, actually guild housing ws one of the promises for the initial release that was scrapped to fix the initial bugs
    Bill "Rudeboyz" Clinton Nobel Prize Winning Engineer, Crusader for Duct Tape and Reclaim Inspector General of Rubi-Ka Gear

    Freshman Bob "Spookyrudy" Dole Buff Dispenser, Sexy Atrox, Master of The Atrox Monkey Love Arts

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