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Thread: what's the point in forcing LLTS users to see everything in a greenish hue?

  1. #1

    what's the point in forcing LLTS users to see everything in a greenish hue?

    I really don't understand this one. FC has done a nice job of making AO one of the most graphically attractive MMORG's out there imo. Why deprive LLTS users of that beauty? This has nothing to do with game balance - it's just plain annoying.

    Also, I enjoyed making my own treatment kits, gave me a reason to put some IP into Pharmaceuticals & gave me a use for Maestro PT. The kits were great for healing between fights, the downfalls being that they were quite expensive compared to the normal health pax, plus they lock treatment skill longer. Now there is no way that these will be useable if I'm forced to be blinded for 20sec. Again, no game balance issues here, just going to make soloing take that much longer.

  2. #2
    they removed the llts "green" effect.

  3. #3

    didn't know that

    but my point on the treatment kits still stands

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