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Thread: Accumulated damage bug

  1. #1

    Accumulated damage bug

    this has been arround for some time now, it is hard to reproduce and i'm not entirely sure how it happens but it seems that when fighting you sometimes get bugged and you accomulate damage that doesn't get delivered, then when you attack a new player/monster you unleash all that damage i've had realy spetacular reuslts, when i initiated a combat with Burst and it spammed 7 normal hits and the burst, it happens once in a while.

    It has also happen to me, while beeing hit by a monster (much more rare) he just spammed the hell out of me with damage, like 5 hits in a row extremely fast and i realy dont think it was lag related i didnt even fire on round, it was exacly has it happen to me when hitting players/monsters with that bug.

    I realy don't know how it happens, cause it doesn't happen very often, but it seems it happens in between fights

  2. #2
    I'm pretty sure this is related to lag. Its happened to me before in teams. I'll hit the hotkeys for burst/fling to start combat and I don't see anything happening, but I'm taking damage. Then all of a sudden my damage is spammed in the chat along with my teammates' damage.

  3. #3
    The one where you suddenly do massive damage to the mob is display-only, as from my experience anyway, it will keep on fighting a while after its hp bar shows 0% health remaining.

    Unfortunately when you take massive damage, in similar fashion, its usually followed shortly by that 'wet-thwacking' sound, quickly followed by your 'death-gasp'. fun huh?

  4. #4
    heh something like that, just not sure about it beeing visual only, i realy don't think so, when the mob dies it dies, i just get a very nice first strike :P

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