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Thread: I need your help.

  1. #1

    Question I need your help.

    I need to decide on a new main.Between

    My fixer is lvl 20
    My Enf is lvl 74
    My mp is lvl 53

    Which is worth it.Can someone give me pos/negs of each?

  2. #2
    I loved my fixer, untill he got GA, after this he got booring. I hate playing pet classes so I dont like the MP. A enforcer is fun, but might get boring from being abit onesided. SO I would choose either a fixer (non-GA) or a enforcer.

  3. #3
    Giving up on the engie Lear?

    I wouldn't recommend MP right now. You already know the problem with pets and the game pretty stops at level 130 for MPs.

    I would only consider a fixer at this point if I already had GAIV. It just seems cruel to have a fixer these days without it.

    The Enf would probably be fun. They got some new nanos recently and seem a pretty well rounded prof. Also a good prof at PvP. Should give you a nice change in perspective from the engie.
    Heals - they're not just for tradeskills anymore
    Hypos omni doc RK2 <-- stupid enough to have thought that going past level 150 would help her be a better doc
    Phlair omni mp RK2 solo char
    Nerfbat omni enf RK2 awarded the hammer of braveness
    Shadow Ops

  4. #4
    Thank you for your advice.I am going to go with the enf.He's just very fun to play,and he's already past the low lvl stuff,AND he has a 7% xp ring.

    One question.He uses a beam.when should he switch to 1HB,and should i reset 2HB(what weapons)

  5. #5

    Enforcer item

    Message Cyprux when your online and I will give you a damage adding enforcer item I found free of charge

  6. #6
    The only problem with that is im on RK-2

    What is the item btw?

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