just a few nots of what i REALLY would like to see in Rubi-Ka:

More variation!
heck everyone running around with a armor coat has 2 variants
so you see ALOT of ppl looking like freaking twins running around.
blue helmet, red coat and so on....

maybe same stats on the items but in more colors please!

Scrollbars: i just have to say that the scrollbars in the shops are totally WORTHLESS! please do something about it.

Team ideas:
ok if you dont have a killing graphics board ( like i dont ) its pretty hard to have team window open since it steals alot in manners of "field of vision". Why not have that as an "loose" window that can shade just like inventory and such??.
I know its not supposed to be like that i know but when you do team up with Omnis , tab targeting is harsh...especially if you are a lonesome confused clanner in lush!. maybe it would be good to EXCLUDE team members from autotargeting?
Looting: unless there is an item to be looted, why not evenly distribute the credits found among the members?? just like with xp.

FLYing things:
ok when i begann my life on Rubi-ka flying things were still few in sight, now it seems every lowlife has a Yalm and so...
its just like Porche! everyone has one nowdays so its no biggie of a car anylonger.
Why not make a new and improved Yalm that has another color, better looks like ( exhaust pipes and so on)
and lastly on flying things, even if its not so...GUNSHIPS!
i hear only omnis can use those, pretty bad in my eyes, now clanners sure could have stolen a few of those no?? and if so then are clanenrs to freaking dumb to drive it or what??"? come ON!...phew.

OK now to the REALLY big stuff:
i dont know if this has been on the "page" before but here goes:
when i hear the word Clan i think of ....clans from the old days.
not some nerfed society. Anyways...why isnt there any
how hard could that be? that way it would be pretty cool actually that every clansman(woman) would have to have a key ( much like apparment komplexes) to get into a clanshall! ( this way agents can actually behave like AGENTS! getting their hands on another clans key for example). Now to minimise missuses they key has to correnspond with the users CLan membership ( UNLESS they are an agent Clan/ Omni. which means that only omnis can enter clan halls ( with key ) and only clan agents can enter Omni Departmenthalls (with key ) ...ok lets kontinue.
These clan/department halls would ofc not be CHEAP!
but it sure would help getting clans together a little better . so that those big clans that do nothing than just hang around and do....nothing can do so inside their clanshall ( all look the same? )and therefore be there for the newer members of the clan that could use alot of help! ( i have noticed that you are quite DEAD if you dont get any help).
Now what would be charged for a clanshall?? well money is no issue in the game so i would recommend a minimum member number in order to be able to have one: i meen pretty useless to have a great meeting hall if there is like 5 people in the clan no`?
heck they can meet in my kitchen!

Lastly! yes its possible to do this with the apparments ( duplicating owners key) i hear, im not sure but what the heck, it would be pretty cramped if say for example( for i know they are a good klan and helping out their members, and no im not a member of them) OUT : Omni Unit Termination. would meet in an appartment it would be like stuffing 48 brontos into the snacks shack in Athens!.( would be fun to try thou )

Lastly just a note of interesst: Swimming skill.. HOW pointless is it?
you cant fight while swimming, you cant go under the surface hence pointless in knowing how long i can hold my breath ....Pleeeease!.

there was that all?? ya for now

"is that a pond hether i see before my rusty implanted eye? ohh my its a pond with a huge spider beside it, didnt know xmas was upon me allready "

Zardukar the swimming spiderhunter