Currently, when you are attacked by a Mob you get a text note in the chat pane. Sometimes you get multiple announcements for the same Mob; sometimes multiple Mobs with the same name attack you. You can't differentiate, and thus you can't reliably make decisions on it (e.g. run, or attack) Either way, you may or may not see it, and you certainly can't use that note to attack your attacker/attackers.

The current approach for selecting attackers is to either select them directly or tab to find them. The first is prone to error, as you may not get the right guy, or he may be out of your vision (e.g. rollerrats at your feet). Tabbing, more often than not starts with the guy on the other side of the room, and is confused when pets and people not on your side (i.e. non-omni or non-clan, non-neutral) are in your team. And you have no idea of the target is an attacker or not. It is a pathetic tool.

What is required is that every active attacker creates a heath-bubble indicator on your HUD (similar to the active selection) that you can select to make your currrent target. This way you know exactly how many attackers you have and their health status. You also have a reliable and direct mechanism for selecting them. That is you now have reliable information to make decsions, and you can carry out attack directives swiftly and accurately.