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Thread: Tragedy

  1. #1

    Unhappy Tragedy

    Hello All , My name is Erin . Alot of you know my brother Michael i.e. Erinsuin / Truuth . Some of you know me as well (from the old days ) . Im here today because I could not get into the game (patching) and have a very limited time to spend .

    This morning , around 8am EST , Michael stoped on his way to work to Childrens Mercy in Boston at Dunkin Donuts (coffee shop) . He got his usual and headed for his car . In the parking lot across the street where he was parked, he bore wittness to a horible event. A senior was being mugged/carjacked . Michael took it upon himself to try and help the man and stop this act . In the process he was beaten with a pistol and shot 3 times , twice in the chest and once in the lower abdoninum area. He is listed in critical condition.

    I arrived at the hospital moments before he was to be rushed into the operating room . He was very coherant and his last words to me before the drugs took effect were " Dont worry sis , i saved before leaveing the house". It was a statment that both made me smile inward and laugh at this little personal joke and it made me cry uncontrably .

    It has now been 5 hours since that moment . I was forced by family memebers to come home and relax till they had him out of surgery , but i could not just sit . I had to talk to someone . I dont know why , but i decided to let his online friends know what was happening . Maybe i could find some sort of comfort from the joke he made to me . Unfortunatly the game is down for patching and i could not start a private chat with all in his friends list . So now i post this on the forum .
    Michael held one mentality in this game " It is only a game ". Him and me often discused some of the politics surrounding things and we always chatted about things that have happened . I asked him once if any of these people truely made him mad and he held tight to his mentality . Things that i saw as personal grudges against him he saw as Community role playing . He always had a bright outlook for all that happened.
    One thing about michael though , he could never get his point across to people. Try as he might he always made more trouble then smoothing things over . He always had a unique way of argueing with people (even in RL ) . He has always been stuborn and yes , sometimes downright blunt/ rude about things . He can make me mad so much to the point that i just want to smack him ..... but that is michael .

    Azz / Apoc : I know you think he holds a grudge against you . He dosnt . The arguments and acusations were purely fun to him . You just provided an easy target.

    Disciple / Red : Stick to your guns . Mike respects you for the leader that you are and for haveing the Balls to do what you Did . I know he is standing behind you 110% on this issue .

    Cyblade7: Stand strong . Stand proud . But above all else Stand with your Guild .

    To everyone else , just remeber that this is only a game .

    Im sorry this is such a long post . In writeing all this i was for a breif moment forgetfull of what was happening .

    Sincerly ,
    Erin Nadolny

  2. #2

    Unhappy Im so sorry....

    I'm so sorry for your loss, and the creep that shot him should never see the light of day ever again. Again I'm sorry.

    Luv to all
    Randa "Lesentia" Forejt

    Whisper's Edge

    "Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill..."
    -Cypher, The Matrix

  3. #3
    It's good to know that there are those who are selfless in aiding fellow citizens. As you have described, your brother indeed is heroic and at the expense of his own safety did not hesitate to aid others.

    We in Apoc, and the AO community wish your brother well, and a swift recovery. Also to you and your family.

    Martial Artist (Guru)


  4. #4
    I am very sorry to hear what has happened to your brother. I wish him a speedy recovery and the best to you and your family in this trying time. And if you ever find out who the bastard who shot him is, drop his name in here.

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