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Thread: They will be casting PET of the same level, YEAH SURE !!!!

  1. #1

    They will be casting PET of the same level, YEAH SURE !!!!

    A level 120 mission, Engi mobs with slayers !!! LOL yeah !
    Aguitha, Engineer
    Cratisha, Bureaucrat

  2. #2
    I must say they are uber. You kill the MP and expect the pet to die but no it keeps fighting and it's tougher and more vicious than the master.

    I really think they should have the pet die after x amount of time or die at the same time as the caster. And when you get three of the bastages in the starting room you are REALLY IN TROUBLE!!!

    I think a few tweaks is needed
    Fear is the Mind Killer.
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?

  3. #3
    Three pets with their masters. Higher level, and you don't get xp for killing them. Yeah, this is a lot of fun.

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