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Thread: New chat channel needed *Twink 15-20*

  1. #1

    New chat channel needed *Twink 15-20*

    I have started an army of twinks, and the thing i noticed is that (we) destroy much of the fun for the new players.

    I have been in teams lately where some stupid and rude people call real newbs idiots and morons because they dont have ql 50 imps on at lvl 10 , dont know how to get from ent to 20k, doesnt have the best possible heal, can´t stand toe to toe with a full red mob.

    Basicallly the new players need a enviroment where they can be newbs and learn stuff and enjoy the game without the older player obsession with having the best gear at all times and doing the best dmg etc.

    People that know the game shouldnt team with newbies if they are inpatient, both for the newbs sake and for theirs, i think this destroys soo much of the enjoyment of AO for new players.

    I hope you get my point by now.

    If you have a char on your account that is lvl 70 + you get access to *twink70 seeking team 1-10*
    If you have a char over 100+ you get another one and if you have one over 150+ you get one more.

    Then the option still stands, you can search for a team normally OR if you are inpatient with other people or just are in a rush you can use the twink channels and not hurt the newb community.

    Would this be possible FC or is it "working as intended"

  2. #2
    I agree that something like this is needed. I've seen a number of lfg messages with a "no newbs" requirement because people want to move quickly and work with experienced players. One issue though is that 'twinked' is not the same as 'experienced,' so a 'twinked' channel is going to focus on the heavy hitters, and not solve all of the problems you list.

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