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Thread: Community update - Oct 29th

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Community update - Oct 29th

    A small update from me again, since it's cold outside, and I try postponing going home as long as possible.

    Currently having a discussion with the Professionals about the future of the program. Please allow us to finish the discussions without nagging them for news on this.

    The Notum Wars
    My (i.e. Community's) beta invitation list has been handled to QA. A very limited selection this time around, and we do not take applications. You'll all get your chance later.

    Also working with the designers on getting out more information about certain new features coming in the game around the launch of the booster. Hoping to have something out about this by the end of the week, though there might a delay on that.

    And a feature of the booster requires an update to the online manual, and that fell on me, so I have some more writing to do. (Yes, I know the manual needs some other updates too. I might have an update on that sometime later.)

    Internal information
    I maintain some info pages based on the database used for the People of Rubi-Ka pages on the main site. This is getting a little revamp to get even more info the dev team are interested in about players, characters and guilds. Gotta keep track of you people.

    Character names
    Just thought I'd mention now that we're seriously considering killing off inactive level 1 characters to free up character names. You will be given good time to log in the characters to avoid them getting wiped, so don't worry. More about this by the end of the week.

    Bulletin board
    Got rid of some sticky threads on some forums. In fact I got rid of too many on some forums, due to some miscommunication. My apologies for that. Note that nothing got removed, and I've spent some time on getting the most important sticky threads properly rooted again.

    Patch notes for 14.6
    We're working on it. If we can't get them out tomorrow, I'll try make a short summary of some of the long awaited changes and bug fixes, and the main features.


    I probably forgot something, but now I need to get going, or I'll miss my tram. C'ya!
    Last edited by Cz; Oct 29th, 2002 at 22:42:58.

  2. #2
    Thanks for the info

  3. #3
    Indeed. Thanks Cz, hope this becomes a habit

    Character Names - big notice on the launcher would be good at least a week before the wipe. Does 'inactive' pay attention to chat logins? if not, people with bots might need to make sure they level the bot to 2nd

    Patch notes - Thanks for the update on that, even a summary would be helpful.
    "Do not try and catch the hamster... that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth... There is no hamster, only a deadbeat rollerat..."

    [Social] Means: I don't think we removed any bosses because of bad pathing...there wouldnt be any left if we did :P

    AO Character Skill Emulator and Character Parser and AO Implant Layout Helper

  4. #4

    Thumbs up

    Cheers Cz, those 14.6 patch notes would be appreciated
    Clan Archdeacon

    "Nothing worth while is ever easy"

  5. #5
    Patch notes (preliminary ones) are written, and currently circulated to all designers and coders to get any errors removed. I will wait on their feedback and corrections before posting them.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Darkbane
    Character Names - big notice on the launcher would be good at least a week before the wipe. Does 'inactive' pay attention to chat logins? if not, people with bots might need to make sure they level the bot to 2nd
    Probably gonna let the warning be in the launcher for 2-3 weeks.

    And I think we would check logins for the game, not the chat, so logging in the bots would be smart. No need to level them though.

  7. #7
    would we just have to log our bots in once when the warning went up, or would we have to do it regularly?


    Lilnymph - Clan Fixer - RK1
    lilnymph wrote on November 21st, 2003 08:01:01:
    You may take our postcount threads, but you will never take our FREEDOM!!!!!
    Originally posted by Cz
    The post count is mine! All mine! Mwahahahah!

    40.476190476190474% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
    Style over Substance

  8. #8
    Originally posted by lilnymph
    would we just have to log our bots in once when the warning went up, or would we have to do it regularly?
    I think a login once just to level them up to level 2 would do.
    Turchin - Fat Crat member of Illuminati.

  9. #9


    I'd guess the exact details will be in the launcher, but from wha Cz said, logging on once between the message appearing and the actual wipe should be sufficient - inactive really means inactive . Levelling them to 2 wouldn't hurt either but doesn't seem to be necessary.
    "Do not try and catch the hamster... that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth... There is no hamster, only a deadbeat rollerat..."

    [Social] Means: I don't think we removed any bosses because of bad pathing...there wouldnt be any left if we did :P

    AO Character Skill Emulator and Character Parser and AO Implant Layout Helper

  10. #10
    Woo, regular updates!
    Originally posted by Whaambulance

    This is singlehandedly the stupidest post I have EVER read on these forums. Congradulations.
    'Balancing' Nanos Will Remain Imbalanced Vs. Old Nanos - Because We Said So!

    O Gaute, Gaute! Wherefore art thou Gaute?
    Deny thy nerfs and refuse thy lame design decisions;
    Or, if thou wilt not, be but on the forums,
    And I'll no longer be a whiner.

  11. #11

    please don't delete Helpbot

    This is great that you will be deleting old characters.

    But, please don't delete Helpbot (and Itemsbot and Guildbot and Partybot)

    : )

    I'll try to log in Helpbot on all the servers next chance I get.

    (I would however, love it if you would delete Helpbot on the Test server, so that I can take it's name. Right now I'm using Infobot on the test server.)

    I have a question, though. I last logged Itemsbot out in the Name Room before the last patch, where will he log on at? The New Arrival Hallway?
    Last edited by Beaker; Nov 1st, 2002 at 19:25:05.

  12. #12
    Characters who were stranded or had camped in the old character creation have now been deleted.
    From the 14.6 preliminary patch notes...

    Better log on nd move them...
    "Do not try and catch the hamster... that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth... There is no hamster, only a deadbeat rollerat..."

    [Social] Means: I don't think we removed any bosses because of bad pathing...there wouldnt be any left if we did :P

    AO Character Skill Emulator and Character Parser and AO Implant Layout Helper

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