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Thread: Grid Phreak and Reckless Digitization no longer work for agent on false prof.

  1. #1

    Grid Phreak and Reckless Digitization no longer work for agent on false prof.

    On my agent when I go fixer false prof Grid Phreak and Reckless Digitization no longer work. I get the message:

    "Not enough nano energy to execute formula".

    I meet all the requierments to cast the nano but I get that message all the time since patch 13.0.

    Is this a bug or an added feature?

  2. #2
    was a bug fix. They fixed it so the nano requirement is checked before running the nano. If I remember there is a 70% additional nano required to run nanos under FP. Used to be that it wouldn't check before hand and then just take all you nano when it was run.

  3. #3
    Grid Phreak requires about 1400 nano to cast now.

  4. #4
    False professions are not nearly as good as true professions. I think they've always had higher nano costs, but in the last patch they made it so the game actually checks to make sure you have enough nano to cast with the increased nano cost. Before it would just set your mana to 0 if the spell costed more mana than you have and it would allow you to cast any spell if you had the normal nano cost worth of nano energy.

    The currently enforced nano requirements with false profession in a nutshell:

    823 - Reckless Digitization
    1058 - Instantaneous Encoding
    1313 - Grid Phreak
    2003 - Team Grid Phreak

    Nano cost modifier

    +150% - False profession
    +70% - Assume profession
    +15% - Mimic profession

    Interrupt modifier

    +75% - False profession
    +50% - Assume profesion
    +15% - Mimic profession

    Nano initiative modifier

    -2000 - False profession
    -1500 - Assume profession
    -750 - Mimic profession

    Nano range modifier

    -50% - False profession
    -25% - Assume profession
    -10% - Mimic profession

    Nano skills modifier (all 6 nano skills)

    -25 - False profession
    -80 - Assume profession
    -140 - Mimic profession


    30 mins - False profession
    45 mins - Assume profession
    60 mins - Mimic profession

  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    Ok, thanks for the info people.

  6. #6


    Oh and btw, am I supposed to get the message "your target resisted the nano formula" (or something very similar) when I cast Reckless Digitization?

  7. #7
    Well, the problem is that it's absolutely impossible to use AP or MP due to the duration. Agent nano's only last 30 minutes, so you end up with a 15-30 min. game with no agent buffs. No agent buffs means you have to sit there and wait 15-30 min. doing nothing until you can rebuff yourself. It's completely impossible to fight unbuffed.

    Now, if you could use agent and general nanos without penalties even under FP/AP/MP, then the AP/MP lines just *might* be considered upgrades. Their huge skill penalties are still a barrier, though. Make them all 30 minutes with -20 and -15 nano skill for AP & MP and you'd see agents using them.

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