I was thinking last night i read a post in the tara board and it said that clan has no competition for tara on RK2
well i have an idea Omni should get there own tara type dungeon to defend ive been to tara a couple of times and i find it rather dumb that it happens to have clan guards runnin all around camelot
why dont we get a tara type dungeon with omni guards runnin around
make all the loot equal in stats and such but make it look unique
make it drop weapons and such that are uber
make the mobs in this dungeon the same lvl as tara dungeon mobs
make it 100% then 25% on decent to boss
make the mobs outsid the dungeon simalar to the ones outside the tara
i have to comment on that i didnt want to get a yalm cuz im mp and i can fly with qw but whe exiting the grid the program cancels and if im lucky the guards are somewhere else if not im dead as i am fragile nanomage
I think that omni should have sumtin to defend against clan and such make the loot unique to its dungeon but make it equally as good
My idea is a half mutated tara with slayer droid lookin biomechanical grafts created by omni to devaste the clan outpost but was to powerful to control if released so he had to be caged in a dungeon at the darkest corner of omni territory
How is clan havin uber dungeon fair when omni has none