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Thread: Clicksaver not working - help needed

  1. #1

    Clicksaver not working - help needed


    I've heard great things about Clicksaver for selecting missions but it doesn't seem to be working for me.

    Here's what I've done:

    - Downloaded program and extracted it into my main AO Directory

    - Launched Clicksaver from the Windows Explorer

    - Launched AO

    When I go select a mission I was assuming I'd see them come up in the Clicksaver window.

    I also tried entering a number of names of locations and items in the 2nd and 3rd windows and clicking on the buying agent. Other than charging me for 1 set of missions nothing shows up in Clicksaver.

    Any ideas?


  2. #2
    You don't need to put clicksaver in AO's directory. It's cleaner not to pollute your AO directory with 3rd party apps.

    Check that you unarchived all files from the archive, and that they're all in the same directory as the clicksaver executable (in particular, aohook.dll - if it's missing, you won't get any error message but it just won't work)

  3. #3


    1) unarchive into its own folder.

    2) run clicksaver

    3) tell clicksaver where AO is installed

    4) wait for clicksaver to build local db

    5) re-run clicksaver, it should start up normally this time

    6) start AO

    7) roll mission

    When using the buying agent, mission window must be in top left corner as far as it will go, and no touching the mouse whilst its working...
    "Do not try and catch the hamster... that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth... There is no hamster, only a deadbeat rollerat..."

    [Social] Means: I don't think we removed any bosses because of bad pathing...there wouldnt be any left if we did :P

    AO Character Skill Emulator and Character Parser and AO Implant Layout Helper

  4. #4

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