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Thread: Mobs not giving you loot?

  1. #1

    Mobs not giving you loot?

    It happened in the last patches, but it was more of a "What tha!?" rather than the "AAARRRGGG!! NOT AGAIN!!!" that it is now.

    I got 3 mobs in a row be un-lootable. Before I was (un)lucky to get two a week, and in less than 3 hours, I was able to get 14 unlootable monsters? This is horrible!

    I would take more screenshots of this, but I'm afraid I'll start running out of room on my HD!!

    This is not exactly a game-stopper issue, but it's annoying as hell.

    EDIT: eek! Wrong forum. sorry guys.

  2. #2
    target the mob's corpse.. walk away til it goes away.. then come back. The corpse is not actually where your client sees it, so when you come back it will be in the proper location.

    Hope it helps

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