Cleaning out! Most if not all disks I can make into nanos for you. I've been away for a few years so it'll take a bit to get em going!


Anima of Pure Malevolence
Anima of Pure Malevolence
Anima of The Abomination
Barrage of Blades
Burden of Atlas
Calling of Belamorte
Demotivational Speech: Mourner's March
Demotivational Speech: Retreat to Glory
Dichotomy of Nature
Frenzy of Shells
Frigid Landscape
Kel's Neutronium Plaything
Kel's Neutronium Plaything
Stare of Cereberus
Sympathetic Reactive Cocoon
Total Mental Domination
Vengeance of Nature
Creation: Azure Cobra of Orma
Dance of the Dervish
Izgimmer's Last Word
Slayerdroid Sentinel
Supreme Supressor
Calia's Form: Pit Lizard (Other)
Common Warmachine
Disruptive Void Projector
Division of the Winds
Division of the Winds
Enhance Aggression Subsystem
Fortress of Spikes
Gnat's Wing
Mocha's Gift: BioMet
Re-Matrix Grid Vector
Superior Exoskeleton Pulse
Visions of the Void


Ambient Regeneration
Element of Flame
Gallant Hero: The Irate Attache
Gallant Hero: The Vengeful Butler
Izgimmer's Last Word
Superior Frenzy Embodiment
Transcendent Wrath Incarnation
Intrusive Aura of the Humble Servant
One Foot in the Grave
Rampage of Juggernaut
Gallant Slave: The Aggravated Serf
Ballad of Smoke
Call of the Maelstorm
Call of the Maelstorm
Wind Slicer
Vengeance of the Immaculate
Feelings of Moratility
Strength of the Hummingbird

Please leave me an offer or contact me in-game @ Iant

Will add more as I find them!

Thanks for looking!