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Thread: Anyone else notice WU drops are ... gone?

  1. #1

    Anyone else notice WU drops are ... gone?

    Confirmed by at least 3 regular farmers.

    I haven't had a WU drop in mitaar/Vortexx in about 4-5 days now.

    Approximately 25-30 rounds with no drop.

    Normally I get one in 10-12 rounds max and often within 1-4 rounds.

    Two people have independently corroborated my observations.

    First person records drops and he did 36 rounds of vortex with 1 drop and the second person who is a regular farmer as well observed that they 'don't seem to be dropping' which is the same as my observation.

    FURTHER to this, if you look at spambot sales, there are no WU's for lootright sales in last several days.

  2. #2
    I got both of mine yesterday plus the pleasure of being able to sell one.

    Also ive seen several sale announcements for them on dnet/neutnet.

    Im calling real bad luck on you and the two others, sadly.
    First NT to proper pocket Ely hecks - Raesun

  3. #3
    crap really

    That's crazy bad luck.. I mean damn.

    thanks for the feedback Raelil

  4. #4
    No issues on my droprates either... not broken
    Proud Member of Paradise

  5. #5
    got one last night.

    Still seems really wonky tho. I was getting 1/(5-10) rounds. then none for over 35 rounds.

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