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Thread: S T O R Y

  1. #1

    S T O R Y

    not web updates

    not nice pretty CGs

    not a book

    not random events that crash tiny little zones and give fame to few people

    S T O R Y

    QUESTS, multi part quests, kinda like ural saba, Neleb and TIM were close, could go much deeper, make then big, have to travel around the world, talk to NPCs get items to use with other items to give to another npc to get a unique item.

    NPCs, make it so we can talk to them to learn info about new quests/items/updates.

    (thoughts) - CGs are nice, no one with dialup will ever see them tho (im sure a few)....the book is great, website updates for an MMORPG storyline is just have to INTEGRATE it INTO THE GAME. if people play your game, and they only play your game. maybe they happen to be on rk2.....all you have for story is random events that crash tiny zones where you have 400 people going for one thing. its frustrating and really unacceptable, seriously......


    integrate NPCS
    integrate QUESTS
    integrate UNIQUE items....

    make it so many people can enjoy a quest and the reward, instead of 2 or 3......if you HAVE to do some random event, make it in Perpetual Wastlands or something, less lag then 400 people in newland, capiche?


    102 Agent

  2. #2

    Too true

    These points are very valid.

    This is, after all, an rpg (of sorts).

    bring on the NPCs. please.

  3. #3
    I start to believe that creating a story in such online games would require a live team of 50 ppl or more playing the game 24/24.

    Let's face it, just 1-3 ARK creating an event will drain 20% of the server in the same zone and make it crash.

    Plus, summoning a dozen mobs to attack a city is kind of pointless.

    Interesting things to do would be to have live quests with ARKs playing the usually dumb NPC. EQ was doing (very rarely) but with some success.

    Having more dynamic spawning going on would be more fun too : a new factory of Borg in Mort, Shades starting to get aggro (the Medusa thing makes me ROFL), ... any small things that will keep you on your toes.

    I just don't really believe that without a lot of ppl FC can create a story in the game.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  4. #4


    You want a story? Well, you got a story: clanners vs Omni-Tek. Happy now? Good, now go kill a leet.
    ::. Anarchin, OT Fixer, Legion .::

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynyah
    The difference is that you dont need a brain to camp things

  5. #5

    Unhappy No story .. lets move on now..

    The 'story' is doing nothing positive for AO. It does not make AO funner, more interesting, dynamic, or interactive.

    Forget it already.

    Just drop the story. I know you promised us a story, but its not doing anything for us. As previous posters mentioned, give us the content we need, and we will create our own roleplaying scenarios.

    Forget it already.

    - Szentasha / Unity of the Rose / going down with the ship ...

  6. #6
    Yeah, the lack of story bothers me too, BUT i would much more like FC to fix the game before they start implementing story and use valuable programmer hours on story instead of fixing very important things, like overequipping, ip wipe and of course NT.
    NT phone HOME!!

  7. #7
    hmmm how come i see the same stuff?

    "there re no story", yes there is.

    The story started back in October. they made some cool movies. And some events related to those. If most of you where around in beta, and pre-beta, or jsut have looked at the site, then you would know that its the players, that are going to deside the story :O)

    Its OUR story, WE can form it as we like.

    now i suggest that we go remove the clanners from their virus infested cities ;O)

  8. #8

    Question Working game first... story later

    Think this over....

    you can go talk to specific people and do specific things to learn how to create an item... what use is that if item creation isnt there yet?

    or even if you go and hand all the pieces of a puzzle to the npc and you get nothing in return?

    Right now there is no story ingame. It's all out of it. Nobody has ever really seen any npc's actually having a conversation with people. Radiman seems to have been a "spoof" done by funcom to get people to think there was a story still. Ross doesn't even seem to exist. Is anybody there even doing storyline for the player aspect yet? I don't think so.

    Next up we get the wonderful post by funcom "It's your game, make your own quest" deal, or simply put link: (first time i've done this... /pray it works, dangnit... there goes that axe thru my chest again... /shout anybody a doctor in the area?)

    Obviously they have less intent to make quests which would have a storyline related interest than having us do all the quest setup for them.

    Once they have the game working maybe they'll consider it. Till then we're stuck with making all the quests (gee this sounds a lot like UO...) and anything else we want to happen ingame.

    If i cared less about this game i wouldnt be here right now. I've given a lot of time, effort, and crash reports to attempt to help make this game better for those who follow me. I'm starting to beleive that they're not worth my time anymore.

    I am debating on closing my account till the game is actually functional to the point which was promised. It would make a point to the world of online games but i see great potential from AO. Now if they can only back it up.

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