The Happy Rebels

If you have found yourself reading this post you are either looking for an org that suits you, or you are interested in who we are and what we're all about.

So here it is, right here for you on the table.

We are a relatively new org on RK2 that is quickly growing and expanding, although most of our members are game veterans who have years of AO experience. This isn't saying we aren't newb friendly though. We all have to start somewhere, and without someone answering some difficult questions that even not even google gives a direct answer to, most of us would be somewhere back in that stage of newbiness. So, new? confused? We are here to help.

Now for the people who know what they are doing and are looking for an org to fit their needs. We have a 300 city (this is an actual city, not instanced), we like to participate in tower battles and currently have tower sites up and running. We have many members who have a very wide array of characters, both end-game and twinks, to help out in any situation. We have an org bot, Facebook, running budabot 24/7. Our org collectively has a massive inventory of items to help just about anybody out with gear, nanos, etc.

On another note, we are not, by any means, looking for org hoppers. We are looking for that tight-knit "brotherhood" like crew that will be ever-lasting. By that I mean we don't want you to join our org, take part in a few raids to get gear, and leave. If you are feeling at all "iffy" about joining THR and would like to become more acquainted with our org and its members, send a /tell to one of our officers and you will be added to the org bot's guest chat list.

If you are interested or need to contact us for any reason, leave a post here with your in game name(s), or contact one of our officers in game.

Unluckful - President | Docalop - General | Bitemark - Officer? :P

Note that this post was done pretty quickly, and will be updated and edited with time. Along with that, if anybody has any input as to anything that should be added to this post, don't hesitate to let me know!