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Thread: How I'd like AO to be

  1. #1

    How I'd like AO to be

    I think the problem with AO at the moment is that it is all combat based, with all character classes being geared up to combat. Substitute a nano nuke for an assault rifle blast and the effect is the same. Some can calm, some can heal, but its all combat.

    What I'd like to see is different characters doing different things, and this could be achieved by:

    a) removing planes, for reasons apparent later. No shops apart from player shops.

    b) Having a realistic economy, where items are produced more cheaply in one area, or in one city. Traders could buy items in bulk and then transport them to other cities (similiar to elite, the old space trading game). I'd suggest some sort of vehicle for this. Because of bandits, pirates, and monsters traders would need to hire protection, meaning soldiers would actually have a purpose. High level items should only be bought from really bad places, requiring high level protection to get the items out. Traders could form up into trade guilds, and even fight it out for trade routes. But although they would have power, they wouldn't be so good at combat.

    b) Beaurocrats should be allocated territory to look after, including keeping trade routes safe, defending from enemy attacks. At low levels beaurocrats should be sent on diplomatic missions, where they might have to either hire protection or tag along with a trader.

    c) Soldiers could work as mercenaries or join armies, fight for beaurocrat approved wars.

    d) Fixers could be the criminals of the world, buying, creating, and selling illegal stims, implants and other tech. A computer network could be developed which could be hacked. Fixers could smuggle illegal goods, or even start protection rackets. Fixers should have a criminal rating, based on their activities. They could also have a bounty of their head.

    e) Enforcers should really be policemen, trying to catch and/or kill criminals and murderers.

    f) adventurers could stay the same, happy go lucky soloists....

    g) agents could be really agents, spying for beaurocrats, creating unrest, or undertaking assassinations.

    h) Martial artists could also be for hire, or make money in prize fights.

    i) docs could be combat medics, going along with soldiers in protection missions. It should be impossible to put implants in without a doc.

    j) Dunno about nts, mps and anyone else I've forgotten.

    k) The majority of the world should be 0%, with some safe areas for newbies, and sanctions against people who kill illegally (similar to those in neocron). Become a bandit, and you'll be an exhile from the major cities for life.

    Just an idea to have a game where everyone is not equal in combat, but where there are different roleplaying activities to do other than kill.
    "When you tread the path of the demon make sure you follow it to the end."

  2. #2

    Well said

    I think any suggestions that propose solutions to the problem of the game being a team-mission oriented level-and-item fest are to be praised.

    After getting my yalm at level 60 and flying around for a while, I realized 2 things. One, flying around was funner than anything I had done in the game up to that point, and probably more so than anything I was likely to do thereafter. Second, as I flew around and typed /list in the various higher-level zones I flew into, I realized that with few exceptions, virtually no one was in those zones, no matter what time of day I was in them.

    It's sad to see so much territory just sitting there idle. Rather, the sole purpose of land mass is to be an *obstacle* to getting to yet another mission.

    I mean, there are monsters and things to kill, which is all good and well, but something to remedy the "been there, done that" feeling that so many AO players express having should be implemented. Something to push people to communicate a bit more beyond the inane exchanges that occur in team missions.

    Unfortunately, for business reasons (i.e., as long as the influx of players exceeds the amount that leave), I doubt that many of the more interesting ideas posted on these (or other) forums will ever see the light of day. Prove me wrong, and I just may renew my subscription.

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