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Thread: [ALL] OTPC: Grid Updates, Omni-Tek protects!

  1. #1

    [ALL] OTPC: Grid Updates, Omni-Tek protects!

    Grid Updates, Omni-Tek protects!
    November 21, 29486 - Anna Zobeki [Global]

    Tired of queuing up in line, one at a time, day after day after day to gain your access into Rubi-ka's grid?

    Many Omni-Tek citizens we have spoken to over the last few days have described the situation as 'frustrating' 'annoying' and 'bad for business'.
    With the ever increasing population on Rubi-Ka, and the focus on going places as fast as possible, the grid has become a cost effective means of traversing large expanses of land in the blink of an eye and moving cargo across previously resource draining distances along with many other unique uses.

    Questions many were asking were along the lines of:
    Can the grid still cope with the ever increasing load?
    What can I do to get faster access and what is Omni-Tek doing about it?

    Rest assured thanks to a joint effort between Omni-Tek's Research and Development department and Omni-Com, we have created the Omni-Com Grid Code Update™.
    This non-invasive essential code is now active in all Omni-Tek territory grid access points.

    I spoke to Omni-Comm's Marcus Cone to ask how it works.

    "This code allows a categorical logging of all transmission data and ensures a clarified datastream access to the grid, downgrading all secondary data streams to non-essential queues to ensure that Omni-Tek bio-data is the fastest data.
    Initial reports show Omni-Tek Citizens reporting a sixty to eighty percent increase in grid access speed with a verified Omni-Tek access card. Those without Omni-Tek access cards can use a commendation marked token board to verify identity."

    I for one will be certainly using the new Omni-Tek enhanced Gridpoints when I am in town.

    For those willing to look elsewhere when accessing the grid, unfortunately Newland's and Borealis' access points have not been upgraded with the Omni-Tek technology, when I spoke to Omni-Comm they advised me they were contacting the proper authorities and would hopefully be uploading the new code in due time.

    Clan citizens unfortunately will not be seeing the new code at all, Omni-Com advised me that the grid access technology present in Clan cities is too antiquated to handle the new upgrades and would likely explode or shut
    down entirely.

    I will ensure the Omni-Tek public remain well informed by contacting Omni-Com with their concerns. I take great pride in forwarding the following statement from Omni-Com in the mean time.
    "Omni-Tek and Omni-Com, the proud developers of the Omni-Com Grid Code Update™ would like to sincerely apologize to any Clan and Neutral citizens who may be experiencing delays entering the grid at this time.
    Please be advised that any notifications around being diverted to lower priority access queues are merely temporary and are in no way related to the Grid Code Update™.

    If you continue to get these error messages Omni-Com is offering a free upgrade to an Omni-Tek access key with every successful citizenship application alongside a minor non-negotiable administration fee. Remember, Omni-Tek Protects."

    I am Anna Zobeki, reporting live for the Omni-Tek Press Centre.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Editor: OTPC View Post
    For those willing to look elsewhere when accessing the grid, unfortunately Newland's and Borealis' access points have not been upgraded with the Omni-Tek technology, when I spoke to Omni-Comm they advised me they were contacting the proper authorities and would hopefully be uploading the new code in due time.
    It's amusing that Omni-Tek has to contact the proper authorities in Boarealis when Omni-Tek is the proper authority in Borealis.
    OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTO|||||||||||||||||||||Serve Omni-Tek

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